First attempt to reach fourth place (ENG/ESP)

in Cyclinglast year


A few days ago I decided that it was time to move to the next level and begin to set and achieve goals in cycling, the end of the year is approaching and with it a new year full of new challenges for which from now I will begin to prepare and as a first goal I want to reach the Top 5 in Strava in the San Benito Lap, this section is 11Km and to enter the top 5 I have to make a time of 16 seconds low. as you can see in the following photo.

Que tal amigos ciclistas espero que estén muy bien, hace pocos días decidí que ya era hora de pasar al siguiente nivel y comenzar a fijar y lograr objetivos en el ciclismo, ya se acerca fin de año y consigo se acerca un nuevo año cargado de nuevos retos para los cuales desde ahora me voy a comenzar a preparar y como primer objetivo quiero llegar al Top 5 en Strava en la San Benito Lap, este tramo es de 11Km y para entrar en el top 5 tengo que hacer un tiempo de 16 segundos bajos. como podrá apreciar en la siguiente foto.


I started early in the morning at about 7:55AM but to my surprise in this first attempt the conditions were not very favorable as I had a lot of headwind, I was also starting to warm up and well certain factors to take into account for the final result.

Comencé temprano en la mañana a eso de las 7:55AM pero para sorpresa en este primer intento las condiciones no eran muy favorables ya que tenia mucho viento en contra, también iba comenzando a calentar y bueno ciertos factores a tomar en cuenta para el resultado final.


I tried to maintain a high cadence to be able to climb certain long slopes that were going to cost me a little in a heavier gear to go to high rpm in most cases where the long slopes were more pronounced, but my warrior did not fall short my marlin behaved up to the height thanks to its 11kg, which is quite light for a light mid-range bike ...

Trate de mantener una cadencia alta para poder subir ciertas pendientes largas que me iban a costar un poco en un cambio mas pesado ir a altas rpm en la mayoría de los casos en que las cuestas largas se pronunciaban mas, pero mi guerrera no se quedo corta mi marlin se porto a la altura gracias a sus 11kg, que es bastante liviano para una bici liviana de gama media...


My time despite everything was 23.33 minutes much higher than I thought, it should be noted that I also had problems with the app that I was stuck and was not reading the total speed at which I was moving another thing were certain environmental factors such as wind, but still this first attempt I achieved a personal record down 10 minutes to my normal time on this route, maintaining an average speed of 28.2 kilometers and a maximum of 42.6 but the truth is something low for the average speed I've been keeping lately.

Mi tiempo a pesar de todo fue de 23.33 minutos mucho mas alto de lo que pensé, cabe destacar que también tuve problemas con la app que se me trabo y no estaba leyendo la velocidad total en que me desplazaba otra cosa fueron ciertos factores ambientales como el viento, pero aun asi este primer intento logre un record personal bajando 10 minutos a mi tiempo normal en esta ruta, manteniendo una velocidad media de 28.2 kilómetros y una máxima de 42.6 pero la verdad es algo bajo para la velocidad media que he estado manteniendo últimamente.


It's time to keep training and working on improving other areas to improve my time and get into the top 5 of the best times in the San Benito lap. in how many minutes do you run your 11km? do you have any advice to help me improve my performance? maybe I should try to go out earlier? or later? that's something I will try in the next effort to get into the top 5! for now I will recover strength and energy to give it all again to beat that time, so see you friends! hope you like the content!

Toca seguir entrenando y trabajando en mejorar otras áreas para mejorar mi tiempo y poder entrar en el top 5 de los mejores tiempos en la San Benito lap. en cuantos minutos recorres tu 11km? tienes algún consejo que me ayude a mejorar mi rendimiento ? quizás deba probar salir mas temprano? o mas tarde? eso es algo que probare en el siguiente esfuerzo para llegar al top 5! por ahora recuperare fuerzas y energías para volver a dar el todo para batir ese tiempo, así que nos vemos amigos! espero que te gustara el contenido.




  • Traducido desde Translated with (free version)

  • Las fotos son editadas desde canva, videos editados desde cap-cut desde mi Redmi note 10s.

  • Translated from Translated with (free version)

  • Photos are edited from canva, videos edited from cap-cut from my Redmi note 10s


I'm not even trying to hunt KOM's in Strava over here. Average speeds of above 40 over such distances are either done by (semi) pro's or people with motorised vehicles (yes, you have cheaters as well).

It might be best to focus on improving yourself.
I can give you some tips, but I'm 'just' an amateur cyclist and don't do races.
But I'll tag some people that might give you the right tips to improve.

@run-vince-run @mrprofessor and I thought @dejan.vuckovic was a professional MTB rider.

A nice subject to discuss!

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Working on an answer right now! Tx for tagging

Cool! And you're welcome!

It's even better as you have broken a certain personal record than not making anything. As you had said, working harder would be better

The main thing is to keep working harder, to meet set targets instead of giving up.
Continue to push harder and you will reach your set targets.

It's super hard to average near 40km/h on a mountain-bike for about 16 minutes, even on a relatively flat road, but there are things you can do to improve your time. First, you'll have to wait for the 'perfect' day, with incredibly strong winds on your back. Then, learn to cycle as aero as possible because aerodynamics play a huge role on speeds above 30km/h.

What's your bike transmission? How many teeth on the chainring and smaller cog on the back? Can you fit a 38 teeth chainring?

I checked your Strava and that segment is all about pacing. If you can try on a windy day and hold 40km/h on a comfortable cadence you'll get close. Don't forget to warm up really well too, at least 45 minutes, or else your legs won't move. If that is too much you may need so more interval training into your routine.

come back with another try! Thank you so much! I noticed you went through my strava with some great tips! I will take more into account the aerodynamics, the tires on my bike are semi knobby, they are not exaggerated and I think that helps me to keep a good pace.

Yup, tires make a huge difference on rolling resistance. Or you can draft behind a car, but I hugely don't recommend doing that. Best way is to train your aero position and keep a comfortable cadence (generally ~90rpm). Just consider that for speeds near or above 40 you may need at least a 36T chainring.