Bentang Jawa, 1500 km Unsupported Ultra-Cycling Race

in Cycling7 months ago (edited)


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August 17 is Independence Day for Indonesia. There will be many events and fun competitions during this period, all across the archipelago. One event I really love to watch is the ultra-cycling race competition called “Bentang Jawa.”

The idea of Bentang Jawa is a bicycle race where the participants start at Carita, West Java, and finish at Banyuwangi, East Java. The participants are expected to finish the race on August 17.

The name “Bentang Jawa” itself roughly translates to “Across Java.” The distance from Carita to Banyuwangi is 1,500 km, with various elevations, as Java is an island with many volcanoes.

I admire the cyclists who participate in such an event. What dedication. To add some context, the Bentang Jawa race is categorized as an unsupported one. This means all cyclists should not rely on anyone to finish the race. They must prepare everything from start to finish. Usually, it takes them 4 to 7 days to complete the race.

The last champion of Bentang Jawa in 2023 was Boru Mcculagh, an ultra-cyclist from the UK. I hope he participates in this year's competition. He is really awesome—very competitive and humble. Last year there were several participants from Malaysia too. Some of them successfully finished the race on time. What an achievement.


Boru Mccullagh | Image Source

For me, the ultra-cycling race is really inspiring. It's like every participant is not competing with other rivals, but rather, they compete with themselves. And some of the participants are not professional cyclists. Many participants are hobbyists. They love to share their stories during the race on Instagram Live.

Last year, I saw some of them crying during the race. Since the road is so long, it feels like it never ends. There was also an older man who has diabetes. He almost didn't finish, coming so close, just about 20 or 30 km from the end. As the race was about to end, he was crying and started praying, “Dear God, please let me finish this race.” Then he started pedaling and managed to finish. It was really emotional when he finally crossed the finish line.


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Those raw emotions are what I really like about this race. A man, a salaryman, managed to finish the race. He couldn't believe it himself and started trembling and crying. “During the race, I felt so small and completely alone,” he said. I can't imagine how it really feels. It must be such a great experience.

There were two participants that grabbed my attention because they were so distinctive. One is Ale, a 50-year-old man who managed to finish the race with a Brompton bicycle! I don't know how he managed to take on the Mount Bromo climb with those small wheels. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

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Ale and his 16 inch wheels Brompton | image source

The other one was Alif Mabbrur, who finished the race on time using a fixed-gear bicycle. I don't even want to know how hard that must have been. It’s just too crazy for me. Is he a cyborg or what?

Alif Mabbrur Tuntaskan Bentang Jawa dengan Sepeda Fixed Gear - mainsepeda (7).jpg

Alif Mabbrur, finished 1500 Km race with his fixed gear | Image source

One particular moment that I always wait to see from the participants and the event organizers' Instagram Live reports is when the race reaches the last section. In this section, the race will be at Mount Bromo. It is so beautiful and mesmerizing. It is freezing cold too. I also love to see when the participants sometimes take a rest and connect with local people. Such a genuine interaction. Some locals are really kind and offer help to make the race easier, but all of the participants are so committed that they refuse it with a nod and a smile. What a boss!

The women participants are also amazing. Many of them finish on time. Some of them are veteran cyclists, but others are not. I love seeing them so committed to the race, and with strong minds, they manage to finish on time. Amazing, just amazing.

My girlfriend said that maybe someday I should participate in Bentang Jawa too. I said, no thanks. I’m not crazy.

For 2024, the race will start at Sunday, August 11.
For more information about Bentang Jawa:


holyy fuckery! On a fixed gear, that's brutal. A guy passed me yesterday on a fixie. Not gonna lie I'm scared as hell of riding those, but may build one if the opportunity appears.

Fixie has its own charm, ain't it? No derailleur hassle. 😁
I would like to build one too, but maybe I have to finish my gravel build first


Ohhhh yeah! Is that yours? Looks awesome. Have you posted about it?