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RE: An Autumn Bike Ride

in Cyclingyesterday

Ah I miss my bike so much! I had the panniers on it and everything when we lived inside the city. I used to ride that thing all over the place and would go on exploratory roads down the river and into the downtown area. It was a blast! Sadly some shitbag stole it one night and that was 300$ and years of fun gone.

Going cycling is absolutely some amazing exercise and physical as well as mental improvements are to be had all around! I’m glad you’re battling the blues away with this change here!

As silly as it may look, I never ride a bike without a helmet anymore. I’ve seen too many horrific accidents of people who get fucked up because they didn’t or wouldn’t wear a helmet.


Oh, my! You should replace your bike cos it sounds like an activity that you love.
I had been contemplating getting one for the last few years but was hesitant because I was concerned that there'd be nowhere to store it. Then, I got up one morning and thought, "I NEED a bike in my life."
I have a D-lock and another heavy-duty one on it, and I'd be devasted if it got stolen.

I always pimp my ride 😍

Yeah, I never wore a helmet when I lived in Holland or the Philippines, only in Jamaica, but I think it's best to wear one here in the UK too. I even sourced a matching colour helmet, but somehow the delivery driver has not been able to locate my address... two days in a row I watch the numpty drive by me on the opposite side of the road. Now, I've requested to go and collect it myself.

I do not miss driving a car, but I feel incomplete without a bike...


Yeah we are eventually going to replace it, but where we live now we have no storage and if we buy 1 bike for me, we need to buy 1 for my wife and my son as well. We have no storage for ONE bike nevermind three hahaha. We also live in a place (condo) where there are miserable old coots who complain about EVERYTHING and locking my bike up to something isn't going to go over well lol.

It's probably better to go fetch the helmet yourself, it sounds like that's not the best driver!

I totally understand that about the storage for not only 1 bike but 3.

When I lived in The Netherlands, I begged my landlady to store my bike in the communal area because I was afraid it would be stolen. Hubby came and saw my bike and said that no one was ever going to steal that.
Hubby still insists that my bike is exactly where I left it 16 years ago in Holland.😅

It's probably better to fetch the helmet yourself, it sounds like that's not the best driver!

Yeah, not the best 2 drivers at all.
I just picked it up from the depot and sent hubby a photo. He responded that I looked like a hard-boiled egg 🤣

Now I know what motorised will be thinking when they look out their windows at me in traffic 🙃😆

This is the case when comments not less intresting than the post itself.

We call such locks not D- but U-locks. I obtained for myself an Abus long ago, on ebay - it came to me from UK! For my daughter I obtained more cool and complicated Cryptonite U-lock, and I never was into this sort of 'metal wire' shitprotection that can be cut in two clicks.

I always pimp my ride

what does it mean? My EN wasnt enough to decipher this, lol

I had been contemplating getting one for the last few years but was hesitant because I was concerned that there'd be nowhere to store it. Then, I got up one morning and thought, "I NEED a bike in my life."

This is excellent, exciting, marvelous. I like it!
By the way - where do you store it, if i may ask?

U-lock makes sense!
I have one plus this lock.

Pimp my ride

It means to upgrade or add style to a vehicle. It's from a popular US show, where a group of mechanics collected and restored some old crapped cars, and added excessive bling, which made them look tacky (but eye-catching).😆

Where do you store it

Ah, that's the key question and the only reason why it took me so long to purchase a bike. I can store it on top of the boat, and if I'm in bad areas or travelling under low bridges, the bike fits inside the boat.
I decided that I couldn't miss out on having something that brings me so much joy because of a storage problem.
I could have gone for an electric folding bike, which is practical for boaters, but I didn't want to worry about charging my bike, I love exercise, and a Dutch-style bike is my preferred choice:)))


I could have gone for an electric folding bike, which is practical for boaters ... I love exercise, and a Dutch-style bike is my preferred choice

...and this part I'd say - Great!!

Happy that this 'one day' happened and you are a member of international cycling brotherhood again 😊

you are a member of international cycling brotherhood again

I'm so happy to be back on my bike too, and I just wanna stop everyone in the streets, and say, "Hey, go get a bike." 😆
