How does a guy feel when a girl ‘bills’ him?
Most relationships and friendships these days are based on money, and it can't be helped. Y'know sometimes I just want to go back to those nostalgic moments when it was all about flowers and genuine emotions. As of today relationships have two things tied to them, sex and money.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there aren't genuine relationships out there, all I'm saying is where's the sense of agape love in it?
Agape love can be easily be defined as sacrificial love, one ready to do anything possible for the better of his/her partner. Love is supposed to be true, selfless, not jealous, not proud, not boastful either. The world of today make it seem that before you love someone you have to get checked on some certain criteria.
Materialism is the order of the day, flashy cars, expensive gifts and all that stuff. As a young man out there, you need to first build yourself before investing your time in a woman. My father told me this; “Look at your family and then look at your future, don't over prioritize one over the other cause you'll end up falling off”. I ponder on these words every day, knowing that being a young man in this generation is not quite easy cause of the peer pressure, female pleasure and lavished livelihood.
It is important to secure your wealth first before going into long term relationships. The truth of life is that women want an ‘all-ready’ made man, one who is well built in finances and status and stature too. The same goes otherwise. The ladies should not slack either cause most men also seek a brilliant partner that they could work side by side with, not one only there for the money.
I really hope that people look deep in themselves before engaging in love. This factor has been ignored by many, leading to an abusive home and/or a broken home. Its not all about looks, looks do matter but personality surpasses looks. Being handsome or beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside doesn't cut it! You can see the stories on the news, its always one celebrity or the other. Its proof that with all the fame and money they are still humans who can't escape the reality of life.
Thank you guys soooooo much. I wanted to write about more on this topic.
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