Vegan Influencer Dies Of Suspected Starvation

Yesterday i was surfing the web and doing my usual reading in different artifles some good others just shitposts and i found an interesting one about the death of Zhanna D’Art . Zhanna D’Art was a food influencer that promoted a more healthy according to her life style and eating habbits of a total vegan diet and more especially eating raw veagan foods consisting only with fruits.

“I see my body and mind transform every day,” Samsonova had gushed while describing her restrictive eating regimen. “I love my new me, and never move on to the habits that I used to use”

But while the cause of death is not determined yet moat people attribute the death to her diet regiment that is what they had to say about her

A few months ago, in Sri Lanka, she already looked exhausted, with swollen legs oozing lymph,” one unidentified friend told Newsflash. “They sent her home to seek treatment. However, she ran away again. When I saw her in Phuket, I was horrified.”

Her friend added, “I lived one floor above her and every day I feared finding her lifeless body in the morning. I convinced her to seek treatment, but she didn’t make it.”

I do like for my self and i also believe that we as people have to adopt a more balance diet with more fruits and vegetables and limit the meat consumption to 1 max 2 times per week and bu doing so we will probably become healthier and help our body in the long run but not something like this ! We as an organism are omnivorous that means that we can eat anything so that means that we must consume anything and take the necessary nutrients from everything !


So stay healthy !


I used to be vegan, but luckily I awakened to the fact that it was in fact not the healthiest way to live. In many ways, I was starving myself. It's always sad when someone passes away unexpectedly, but hopefully this time it can serve as a lesson for people who are following this DIEt.

If you're interested, I did an whole blog about Why I will NEVER be vegan again in my life NO MATTER WHAT!.

You definitely look better eating meat. I thing the key is a balanced diet . If we were meant to be vegetarians the we wouldn’t be carnivores we just have to eat less meat more fish more vegetables more fruits etc etc !

Look and most importantly FEEL much better about how I'm eating now. I just eat what makes me happy and listen to my body's true cravings such as animal foods.

Well, sometimes, people believe in what they believe in. She might be strongly be too convicted in what she was eating to actually change it. It's saddening though. Like you've said, we should seek all the necessary nutrients.

Yes I am not judging her choice of eating healthy or being vegan but she probably ate only two kind of fruits and left out so many vegan choices

That's true I know, I'm saying she probably got to understand she had to try other food, but maybe she felt she's gone too deep and might not see herself changing her diet. It's saddening

cause of death is not determined

Tragic. No way to tell what this poor girl suffered from. It could have been related to a strict vegan diet, but vegan diets don't kill people. They can actually be quite good for the health, although possibly deficient in some nutrients.

This poor girl may have had any number of ailments, but from that picture and your description it sounds like a classic case of anorexia. That's what anorexia looks like. An interview with Karen Carpenter, two years before her death from anorexia

Yea from what it seems it’s complication of years of malnutrition l. Yes it’s a good diet that if done properly it won’t affect the body weight or the vitamins that a body needs especially in 2023 that we have so many vegan options. She just wanted to eat fruits nothing else from what I read she ate only two kind of fruits

An obsession. Tragic