Hello beautiful people. community is a group of people with shared interests, values, or goals who interact and collaborate with each other. That is the simplest way to pass across what it means to you. We will be looking at what those entails.

"Comm*" comes from Latin "communis," meaning shared or common

"Unity" comes from Latin "unitas," meaning oneness or unity

Amid our increasingly individualistic world, it's very easy to forget the profound impact that comes from being part of something greater than ourselves. We're often told that success is solely dependent on our own merits, that we must forge our own paths and rely solely on our own strengths. But what if this narrative is only half the story? What if the true key to unlocking our potential, to finding meaning and purpose, lies not in isolation but in connection?


Joining a community is not just about connecting with like-minded individuals; it's about becoming part of a living, breathing entity that's greater than the sum of its parts. It's about tapping into a collective wisdom that's been forged through shared experiences and diverse perspectives. In the vast expanse of human experience, we often find ourselves lost in the darkness of isolation.

What if the spark within you was meant to ignite a fire that illuminates the world? Will you fan the flame or let them dwindle? Community reminds us that Growth happens outside comfort zones and Success is fueled by collective energy.

There are many types of communities and let’s take our time to look at them.

The most common is the geographic community consisting of people who live in the same area, the same neighborhood, the same city, rural area, village or towns. Living in this kind of community is convenient because of the proximity, because of community events that are easy to attend, because of many other activities and groups that keep people feeling like they belong somewhere and that is why you find people call their geographic community their home.

The online community has existed for a long time, but it has come to life due to the widespread adoption of social media, the use of the internet, virtual event spaces and gaming communities. One thing all online communities have in common is shared interests and rewards. There is that flexibility and connectivity that spans the globe, there is no physical barriers to this kind of community and the communication doesn’t have to be limited to either daytime or night, it can go on around the clock and it encompasses people from all races and tribes and tongues. The online community has become the biggest community current and most especially because of social media. Every platform can host millions if not billions of people the frequency of communication is overwhelming.

The professional community comes next, this community is for those people who have climb to the pinnacle of their different fields through work or industry related associations, networking groups, conferences, academic organizations and so on.

In this community, the interest is largely based on collaborative work, shared experiences and expertise, mentorship and a bigger part of it has to do with documentation and career development. Every professional community requires active participation and contribution which will lead to shared knowledge, shared opportunities, shared growth and all-round support.

Cultural and religious based communities are another type of community that spans the entire globe and break down into smaller groups and factions. This community is enhanced by beliefs and doctrines and there is the clause that everyone is welcome to belong, to share in the culture and preserve it, to have access to support systems and to be able to be identified with a particular system or presentation.

Looking at all we have itemized above, you will realize that there are smaller communities like educational communities, universities, health related communities, and so many others like that which are not large enough to be sectioned off as a named community but are well recognized as part of the whole.
