Splinterlands - Can't get trough my heals!

in The City of Neoxian23 hours ago


Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing alright, especially with the crazy weather around the world last weeks, for some people that means just staying inside and having more splinterlands time so that's cool! 😁

I have just been making my post for thepeoplesguild challenge, the post is scheduled for launch tomorrow because I'm trying not to flood my posts one after the other, it was great fun and if you're a splinterlands player you should definitely check out this new challenge and participate if you can find the time!

A bit off topic first but I really, really like this new update!


Just like in the old splinterlands days we can earn chests by playing, I usually straight buy card draws with my earned glint so this is a nice extra! I got two epics in the chests so that was cool.

This weeks challenge

The challenge for this week is the same as last weeks but so versatile it's great if it just stays this way for a while...

🔥 Share Your Most Remarkable Splinterlands Moments: Do you possess a battle of epic proportions that deserves to be seen by all? Have you crafted something extraordinary within the Splinterlands realm? Maybe you've got profound thoughts, insights, or strategies related to stats, cards, abilities, or gameplay that are waiting to be shared? We want it all, and we want it to be nothing short of AMAZING!

The people following me and reading my posts know I'm constantly buying cards to improve my deck and I had a couple of dollars earned from my blogs last week so I've just upgraded my Baakjira from level 3 to MAX


Thanks for the people selling at these low prices, it's a mistake in my humble opinion but I'm not complaining! 😉

I can remember when baakjira launched and back then prices were still pretty high, I thought yeah that's a really cool card and a pain to get trough but I won't be able to afford it anyways'.
Never say never.. because now I do!

And already I had a cool battle to share with you all for this post, the battle I want to share with you all is a 44 mana Modern League, unprotected / heavy hitters / briar patch battle, with the Earth and Death team locked out. Heavy melee teams are out of the option with thorns so magic is the most obvious choice because it can fire from the first position as well and ranged units can't. A perfect time to test out my new Baakjira and my pretty new Wave Brood is shining in this battle as well, actually, most of my team is new because Sanctus Vicar isn't around for that long either. So, there are a couple of obvious tanks for this ruleset, Oshannus, Void Dragon (or a combo), Baakjira and Iziar... Let's make a cool thing while thinking about these possible threats...

First look at the battlefield:


Hmmm, I've seen this user with different numbers a lot today, is it a new modern illegal bot? Because it has been kicking my ass sometimes too and it is earning SPS so it's not a liquidity bot... No guild, no owned cards and the accounts made last month, something stinks here!

Mirror tanks, Baakjira vs. Baakjira, the second card is an obvious choice, I'm nerfing magic as well as ranged damage and healing more so I think I'll be okay, Sanctus Vicar is useless without affliction on the other team... let's watch this!

My Line-Up:

  • Summoner: Quix the Devious - reason: -1 ranged damage, access to the dragons.
  • First position: Baakjira - reason: Very high HP for 6 mana with void and self heal.
  • Second position: Tide Biter - reason: Reflection Shield.
  • Third position: Chaos Dragon - reason: Fast, Scattershot with blast.
  • Fourth position: Angelic Mandarin - reason: Heal Wave Brood and silence the other team.
  • Fifth position: Sanctus Vicar - reason: Cleanse affliction.
  • Sixth position: Wave Brood - reason: Taunt, Void, Return Fire.

The Battle:


Round 1: Since we both have a max Wave Brood, this will take some time, my opponent isn't healing his Wave Brood and I am though.


Round 2: Just a bit too late with hitting the pause button, we should be able to scroll trough the rounds! The enemy Wave Brood is almost killed...


Round 3: Well that took three turns to get trough but we did it, from this point all fire will be focused on the enemy Baakjira , except for my Chaos Dragon that's killing the back line.


Round 4: LOL, he just isn't able to get trough all the healing, this is only a matter of time...


Round 5: Supply Runner is killed now too, Baakjira will fall soon as well.


Round 6: And suddenly, things are speeding up and there are only two enemy monsters left...


Round 7: And one more down, win incoming!


Round 8: Tide Biter made the kill shot, winning the match!


Pretty sweet, over 5 SPS and 350 glint, battles are hard this early in the new season, but it's fun anyway, I don't mind losing against superior tactics, it's annoying sometimes to get overrun by OP cards I don't have though 😅

You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.

That's it for now, I've got a shed door to paint now, I hope to catch you on my next post, or maybe we'll face each other on the battlefield!

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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