I'm not sure if this is a year-end prank or tagging mistake but I am not using anything from your blog or posts. I am a new member of Hive and I have only written 3 articles with nothing related to your content. I am truly sorry if someone has hacked or used your account without authorization. But, it is not right to call me "hacker" without any citation of usage of your content.Hello @hetty-rowan @hetty-rowan,
From your original post: "And if that wasn't bad enough...I also found a blog that was NOT written by me. Shamelessly, the 'hacker' has a blog written by @nguyenthaonguyen copied and posted on the shepherd-stories account on that other platform using the original photos"
Please accept this as my respectful request to remove my name in your post as a mistake.
I take pride in my writings and hope this is only a tagging error from your side.
I trust you will take appropriate action to correct this. I trust Hive members verify and won't simply jump to conclusion of other users based on this original post.
Thank you and Happy New Year!
Hello @nguyenthaonguyen, I think you misunderstood me here.
I'm not implying that you are wrong, the contrary! Your content was stolen by ahimadri and posted on steemit using the shepherd-stories account. Shepherd-stories was once mine, but that account was stolen from me by ahimadri. Click this link to see your blog on steemit.
I'm not accusing you of anything, quite the contrary. I'm trying to warn you that this has happened. And at the same time, I want to let you know that I have nothing to do with this. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I hope you understand what I mean now.
And of course I wish you a Happy New Year too!
Oopps, sorry I am not aware of any of the misusage of my content. Thanks for the warning!
I'm still learning about this platform.