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RE: Trump has just achieved legend status

in The City of Neoxian8 months ago

Other people were hit, one person was killed and two wounded. I'm not clear on which bullet did what, but the bullet that missed him could have very well caused the injury...or not. A couple of bullets probably didn't hit anyone.


if that wasnt staged or whatever there are definitely pleadians or something watching over him lol

 8 months ago  

If you still think it's staged then I don't know what to say to you. An innocent person died, that's some "staging".

yeah i know but the mafia kills people all the time like that. like weird things to control the narrative. like a lot of people died in 9/11 but that was still kind of staged you know. they were really vague in the newspaper about it which i thought was weird too

i feel like simple details like which bullet did what should come out in the news at least?

 8 months ago  

Not if it's being covered up by the FBI. My theory is that it's an inside job, someone on the Democrate side/Deep State wanted to put a hit on Trump. It failed due to extreme good luck of Trump. Now they are in a bind and have to clean up the crime scene. There is picture of the FBI power washing that roof. Why would they do that?
Anyway, it's not "staged" in the sense that it was all fake. It was real with real bullets, but surely the situation was created.