Night with and without you. Poem.


Night with and without you.

One night with you is to open the curtains
from the black sky and locate
wonderful glitter stars
even though it's already quite late.

One night without you is a tear
spilled in the night so quiet
in which silence mixes in the sheets
that will be cold throughout the night.

One night with you is a castle
where dreams come true
and fabulous figures appear
with suits of yellow and blue.

One night without you is suffering
that floods me from north to south,
and only words come to me
in my loneliness of your distant mouth.

One night with you is happiness
a night without you is despair,
and I can't express what I feel
when I'm without you, my fair.


Hola @lecumberre, hermoso poema. Gracias por compartirlo.

Thank you, Cloris. Welcome to my home of poetry!!!

I love this boss