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RE: Market Friday: buying snacks at the railway station.

Your article gave me so many complicated feelings. It makes me feel good imagining so many snacks that you got from the old lady.
And then I was surprissed seeing how clean and tidy the train station is, considering it's located in developing country... But then I noticed the sad reason behind it, that it's probably rather clean and tidy because the railway is no longer busy, it's not operating so much anymore hence not many people there.
And then again...all that you have said nearing the end of your article is really a sad truth, and that's devastating.


Thanks so much for your kind thoughts. The railway stations are kept very clean as there are several contracted cleaners.

I know various people, especially those in positions of power, have continued to make a mess and many problems in our society. Luckily, I noticed that little people, who were exceptionally well educated and bright, have written open letters to the government and politicians in respected newspaper. This has created some hurdles for politicians who were eager to conclude various multi billion dollars projects.

We have to count our blessings as it seems we could still ride the waves of uncertainty and changes. Hopefully, more people will wake up and become aware of our predicaments.

Yeah... Hopefully. Anyway I'm rather curious about you. Are you a Thai by decent or an immigrant like us (if I may ask, it's ok if you don't want to answer it. I'm just curious)

That’s okay. I was often mistaken as a Korean or Japanese tourists! I am Thai but I think I was a hybrid (as I was perhaps an alien on a far away galaxy long time ago). This was why I was very different from my siblings and I do have some psychic ability. I am waiting for my friends from my old place to find me one day! 🙀