Honeywood Forest - Game 2 - Day 7


Welcome to Honeywood Forest! After a delicious spring picnic in the Honeywood Forest, the picnickers must make their way out of the woods. Unfortunately, all the delicious food has caught the attention of some bears who are just waking up from hibernation and are ravenous! Escape before you become their next meal!

This is a play-by-post game, inspired by @happyme’s Zombie games. We will use the game board below to play the game. The goal is to make it to the Forest Portal square at the end of the path.

This game has space for up to 8 players and requires daily participation from the players. Players can jump in any time, but the game ends when a player reaches the Forest Portal. Players post a comment on the daily game post to sign up and take their turn. Active players can win Hive SBI shares and tokens. To date I've given out 9 DEIA, 4 HIVE, 4 PAL, 2.5 LEO, 30 SIM, 50 NEOXAG, 60 DEC, 3 BEE, and dozens of Hive SBI shares.

We have room for 2 more players! Comment below to sign-up!


Hello everyone! I applied for a small grant in $NEAR to run a version of Honeywood Forest on Twitter! It will be the same kind of format, with both $NEAR and Hive-Engine prizes!! You'll need a $NEAR address and a twitter account to play. I'll make a sign-up post for it soon but I wanted to say thank you to Createbase!!

View large image of gameboard


1.@justatouchfeyNuts, Honeycomb-
6.@aussieninjaBerries, Meat1 BEE
10.@dksartBerries, 2 Roots, Meat1 DEIA
12.@happyme2 Insects, Honeycomb, Flute10 DEC, 10 NEOXAG, 1 PAL
Treasure Pile-1 HIVE, 1 LEO, 3 DEIA, 10 SIM

Bears' Last Turn

Blueberry - 1 north
Coco - 2 east
Roots - 4. Roots catches up to Player 6 who fed him roots. Roots has gone back to his den to sleep.
Fin - 1 east
Honey - 2 east
Shrome - 3 west

Den 6 - 6 - Bug is asleep!
Den 7 - 2 - Red is awake!

Red is awake and ready to play!


A copy of the game rules is available here.

How to Play

  1. Players use the online tool to roll a dice.
  2. Players comment below with their player number, what number their roll was, and which direction they move (ex: N, E, S, or W)
  3. I will draw a card for each player after their turn from my homemade deck and comment after your turn with the player's draw.
  4. After all players have moved or after 24 hours has passed, I will roll for the Bears on the board and the Dens to see if they spawn bears.

Bear Table

BearDen #Favourite Snack
Blueberry Blueberry_board1.pngDen #1Berries
Coco Coco_board1.pngDen #2Nuts
Roots Roots_board1.pngDen #3Roots
Fin Fin_board1.pngDen #4Fish
Honey Honey_board.pngDen #5Honey
Bug Bug_board.pngDen #6Insects
Red Red_board.pngDen #7Meat
Shrome Shrome_board.pngDen #8Mushrooms


Each player's first comment will receive an upvote from me. Each day, I will select a random active player to win a Hive SBI share using a number picker. At the end of the game, all active players win the tokens they currently have in their bags plus 1 Hive SBI share.

Congratulations to @dksart for winning yesterday's Hive SBI share!

Learn more about Hive's SBI shares.

Tokens Table

Players can win the following tokens.

TokenImage# of tokens per squareLearn More
Dark Energy Crystals (DEC)dec copy.png10Splinterlands
Hive (HIVE)hiveicon.png1Hive.io
Hive Engine (Bee)beeicon.png1Hive Engine
Leo (LEO)leo.png0.5Leo Finance
Deia (DEIA)deia.png1DEIA Token
dCITY TOKEN (SIM)SIM.png10dCity.io
Neoxian Silver (NEOXAG)neoxiansilver.png10Neoxian City
Pal (PAL)pal.png1Palnet.io

Image Credits

Pixel bears, header image, and gameboard made by me. Thank you to veeterzy and adrienolichon on Unsplash as well as AnnaliseArt, RoadLight, Clker-Free-Vector-Images, and mohamed_hassan on Pixabay for gameboard elements. Death Blueberry image thanks to Malcolm.


Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian


Player2 rolled a 3, heading north

You passed the PAL square so +1 PAL is added to your bag. Your card was honeycomb!


🤣🤣🤣 lol! A rare snapshot of Honey trying to catch the picnickers...

... for the uninitiated

omg I remember this. this was the exact voice in my head when I read that graphic.

BEERHey @quinnertronics, here is a little bit of from @justatouchfey for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Player 10, rolled 5, move NW


Thank you!

You passed the LEO square so 0.5 LEO was added to your bag. I dropped the cards and had to reshuffle them when drawing for this turn so we're dealing with a new deck now lol. Your card was +1 HIVE.


BEERHey @dksart, here is a little bit of from @justatouchfey for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Player 3
5 West

Your card was +1 BEE token!


amazing ! thanks !

BEERHey @drunksamurai, here is a little bit of from @justatouchfey for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Player 6

Nighty night Roots! Have a good sleep!

I rolled a 5 but I don't have any honey so I'll go 5 steps west please!

You found a fish!


Thank you! !ENGAGE 15

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

BEERHey @aussieninja, here is a little bit of from @justatouchfey for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Player 12 rolled 4

Since I don't know which way Shrome will go, I guess my safest route would be east.

Your card was insects!


Oops, I also added +1 DEIA to your bag!

BEERHey @happyme, here is a little bit of from @justatouchfey for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

BEERHey @justatouchfey, here is a little bit of from @dksart for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

BEERHey @justatouchfey, here is a little bit of from @happyme for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Player 1

5! NE! My card was berries!

Blueberry - 6 - Blueberry moved north 4 spaces. Because both Player 3 and Player 12 were equal distances from her I used a number picker between 1 and 2. Because it was 2 she headed east towards Player 12.
Coco - 5 east
Fin - 3 east
Honey - 3 - 2 east, 1 south
Red - 6 - Red caught up to Player 10 who fed him some meat! Red has gone back to sleep in his den!
Shrome - 4 - 3 east, 1 south

Den #3 - 3 - Roots is awake!
Den #6 - 6 - Bug is asleep!

Roots is awake and ready to play!

Congratulations to @quinnertronics for winning today's HIVE SBI share! I have sent the transaction to @steembasicincome