It was a night like any other in the little hut in the forest. The men returned hungry after a hard day's work in the mines.
The aroma of her freshly made soup greeted them with open arms, and they hurried to the table, jostling each other in their haste to taste the delicacy.
She smiled sweetly as she served them each, but there was something sinister hidden behind that smile. Once they had finished eating, she retired to the fireside, as was her custom. But tonight would be different.
Suddenly, the men began to writhe in pain, their eyes wild and bloodshot.
One of them looked at her in horror, realising too late that he had been poisoned.
He reached for a knife, but barely made it two steps before he collapsed lifeless on the ground.
One by one, they succumbed to the deadly poison they had ingested, until a stony silence reigned in the hut.
She stood up and took a deep breath, freed at last from the nightmare that had been her life with them.
Without looking back, she gathered her meagre belongings and left the hut, heading down the path that meandered along the river.
For the first time in a long time, he felt truly free, away from the abuse and tears that had plagued his dark existence.
As she walked aimlessly, she knew she would never forget this day, the happiest day of her life, the day she finally broke free from the chains that bound her to endless suffering.