Hi friends in this community, a worm greeting to you all.
I hope the day went well.

Today is the seventh day of the month of January in the year 2025
And people are still in their respective counties.
So things are yet to come back to it normal state both works, business and other things.
Mostly my line of work always suffer some set back this period as my client are always out of the city to celebrate the season and spend some time with their loved ones.

So instead of staying at home doing nothing i decided to try something new ,like learning a new line of work and this take to PLUMBING work, though i have eye for it for sometime now but i have been too busy to give it the full attention that it deserves

So today i decided to to give it a try and see how it goes.
After getting myself ready i set out with my tutor to a particular site where he is working on

What are we going to work on? closing an already built chembers and putting on vents so that bad odour will now go out not disturbing the occupants

I see this as a first lesson as they are so many things to learn,
To be honest every thing is just like a move show to me if i say i understand anything then am a big liar, but i believe that with time everything will start making sense to me. ![](

When we are done with this we set one wash handbasin and remove an existing one that is there already.
After that we also pump water inside this bathtub here for people that wants to make use of it especially the kids👇

Cc @theycallmedan

Thanks 🙏 for stopping by