A 15 Million Dollar Business Deal With a Banker in Turkey

I Got This Email From Mr. Mohamed

I am about to become a millionaire. He is offering me 15 Million Dollars if I return his email and agree to his business deal.

That simple? Wow! What a great opportunity. I had the utmost surprise when I read it.

Imagining the endearing smile of my new banker friend in Turkey

The Letter

Dear friend
This message might meet you in utmost surprise. However, It's just my urgent need for a foreign partner that made me contact you for this transaction. I assured you of honesty and reliability to champion this business opportunity. I am a banker by profession in Turkey, and currently holding the post of Auditor in Standard Chartered Bank.

I have the opportunity of transferring the leftover funds ($15 Million Dollars) of one of my clients who died along with his entire family in crisis in Myanmar Asia. I am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be shared between us if you agree to my business proposal.

Further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you immediately after I receive your return letter.

Mr Mohamed Al-Jleilati

Wouldn't it Be Foolish NOT to Respond?

This is completely legit. I mean, yes my gmail account accidentally forwarded this to SPAM.

Yes, I know gmail things this email "seems" dangerous. But c'mon, we're talking 15 MILLION dollars here!

15M looks safe to me! CLICK!


Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian


I think it's scam, but if it's not, then please make another post, when you have the 15 million. too good to be true right?..

I will make sure to use my 15M to buy HIVE and tribe tokens, stake them all and upvote all your posts.


That's what I thought!

lol these scammers are getting desperate

It's pretty transparent.

So sad that this will be the last we ever hear of @ironshield..... good bye my friend! :-(

What, how can $15 million make me disappear?

Deal went south somehow! haha

Deal went east. :-)


I find it amusing and I want to share the joy.