Some reasons to eat garlic every day


Strengthens the immune system and helps to cope with a cold

At least one big study showed: if there is garlic daily, the frequency of various acute respiratory viral infections is reduced by an average of 63% - compared with the use of placebo.

And even if such a person (for the sake of accuracy, we note that the volunteers did not eat the cloves themselves, but the supplement with allicin) gets sick, he gets rid of the symptoms of a cold much faster - in a day and a half against five in the placebo group.

According to other sources. The addition of garlic extract to the diet improves the function of immune cells. And people who take it are sick twice less than those who do without a fragrant plant.

Despite this information, medicine is still cautious and insists that more research is needed. But if you often catch a cold, it is worth trying to connect this vegetable.

Lowers blood pressure

Important for those suffering from hypertension . Eating about four cloves per day for 24 weeks or longer lowers blood pressure just as effectively like some medications.

This is far from the only study in this regard. Garlic is really capable of curbing hypertension - a scientifically proven fact.

Reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol

Daily use of garlic reduces the level of cholesterol in general and low-density lipoproteins (LDL - the very "bad" cholesterol ) in particular. The effect is most noticeable if you eat 3-4 cloves every day for 8 weeks or more.

Resists the development of senile dementia

Garlic contains a large amount of antioxidants which, among other things, protect against mutations and damage to brain cells. Thus, the inclusion of this plant in the diet helps to reduce risk of developing memory impairment and dementia, including Alzheimer's disease .

Reduces blood sugar

This is especially noticeable in people who suffer from type 2 diabetes. Moreover, the effect manifests itself after 1–2 weeks of daily use of the vegetable.

Research is still ongoing, but scientists call them very promising. Garlic is recommended to be included in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. But it is highly advisable to do this under the supervision of the attending physician.

Reduces the risk of prostate cancer

Chinese men who eat at least one large clove per day have a 50% lower risk of developing prostate cancer than those who do not eat garlic at all or are content with very small (up to a third of a clove) doses.

Is a remedy for fatigue.

Exercise fatigue will recede or become less pronounced if you eat at least 1–2 cloves. Scientists do not yet understand what this effect is associated with. However, garlic is considered a promising remedy that can help defeat fatigue.

Who should be more careful with garlic

In addition to benefits, garlic can have side effects. WebMD reputable medical resource experts urge do not abuse this vegetable by those who:

  • Suffers from bleeding disorders. Garlic, especially fresh, can increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Has problems with the stomach or digestion. A vegetable irritates the gastrointestinal tract and can cause heartburn or other digestive disorders.
  • Has low blood pressure.
  • Getting ready for surgery. Here the risks are again associated with a deterioration in blood coagulation.
  • Suffers from hypoglycemia (lowering blood sugar).

And in any case: if you want to use garlic for preventive purposes, just in case, consult your therapist. Most likely, the doctor will approve your decision and help you choose the right daily dose of fresh vegetable or garlic dietary supplement.

But, perhaps, the features of your health are such that you should not lean on it. And it is better to find out this question with the doctor in advance.

Posted via | The City of Neoxian


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