


It was an icy night when I was brought before this sinister buyer. An imposing man with an icy stare and an intimidating presence.

Just hearing the dispassionate tone of his voice as he bid for me sent a shiver down my spine. It was as if I had sold my soul to the devil himself.

When I finally stood before him, his proud bearing and haunting air of authority made me feel small and insignificant.

Those blue eyes, colder than arctic ice, scanned me with disdain as he spoke my name, as if savouring a bitter draught.

-Do you know what I bought you for, -he asked in that disinterested tone that made my skin crawl.

I shook my head shakily, fearing the worst. His answer chilled my blood:
-For you to learn your place.

At that moment, as I was led into the depths of his gloomy abode, I knew that my worst nightmares had come true.

My family's debt had condemned me to be the property of this cruel and merciless being.

The dark walls of that den of horror concealed atrocious secrets that I would soon learn in the flesh.

The muffled screams of other unfortunate souls were the cruel prelude to my own personal hell, for to this demon in human guise, I was nothing more than an object to be bent until my will was broken.