Are You Making Progress in Life

in The City of Neoxian11 months ago


Life is a Journey and most of the times we are wondering whether we are actually making progress in our life or not. But it shouldn't be that hard to calculate if you are progressing in your life. So let's go down through a few points which has made me aware of how my life is progressing.

Are You the same Person?

Have you ever wondered if you have changed in the last year, cause I have and most of the times I feel like I am not making any progress in life, a I feel like every single year I am going downwards but the fact is that if you are changing then it means that you are indeed making progress in your Life.

You Have a Milestone

Having a clear set of Milestones in your life is super important and it really helps in you tracking your overall progress in life. Now trust me when I say that sometimes you will feel like not progressing at all but if you are working towards your Milestone then rest assured you are moving forward in life.

Questioning Your Own Decision

We as humans are in a constant state of learning and even though sometimes we don't know if we're learning something productive or not it always makes sense overall. But if you are someone who also likes to question yourself later down the road then you are indeed Progressing in your life.

Start Saying NO

I can't stress enough how important it is to start saying NO in your life as trust me when I say this that you only begin life when you have started saying NO to people whom you always said YES to. I can say this as I have experienced this first hand so if you are already a person who doesn't scare away from saying NO then you are indeed Progressing in your life.

So these are some things that I like to do so that I am sure that I am indeed making Progress with my Life.



Changing is a part of learning. You fall, you learn and you change yourself to be a better person than you were a day before. Part of life.

We can do one thing and is to grinding. Haha. Keep it up!

Grinding day in and day out is the only way to move forward.