Meme challenge #225 Entry #1 The Party is On

in Memechallenge4 years ago

party is on.jpg

The incentive to perform

My uncle has had a unique way to offer an incentive to perform.
This is true when his kids wanted to go on a hike or summer camp.
He would say ya do well in exams and you can go.

However incentives can work both ways and can some underlying meaning like the message in the above picture.

My boss would promise

Hey ! team he would tell us give us this contract and the party is on me however if u fail.
You would be working in the remotely located back office .

My sports teacher had a similar approach

If you win the race you do the victory lap if not you do two rounds with your hands up holding you heavy kit bags.
Such is life

The memechallenge incentive

Luckily the memechallenge incentive is to win some cool crypto if you win and not any hurting downside.
Though not winning hurts I must confess.
Here is the link in case you wanna try to win the meme challenge


Nice.. Best of luck for the contest...