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RE: Opening an Obsidian Flames Trainer Box

in Trading Cards!2 years ago (edited)

You should go for booster boxes instead of ETBs imho.

Nowadays ETBs are geared towards people that buy and sell stuff without ever opening them. Like if you buy a etb, you resell that same box twice the price a year later.

I'm more of a card collector like you seem to be, so maybe check out Boosters instead and save some money.

Nice pull on the ex btw. It's pretty nice!


kk will be looking for booster packs next, unfortunately it seems they don't sell boxes in full here in my location so will have to settle for individual packs instead. Good thing with that is that I can get some different kind of packs rather than just the latest ones.

Yeah it's just that booster boxes cost less than individual packs...