I think I am finally making the switch guys like a lot of indie developers, believe it or not, it's not necessarily because of all the differences that Godot has compared to Unity but because of security. For those who don't know there was recently an issue that occurred with Unity where there was some political activist douche SJW that went and messed with a github third party dependency called Node.JS or some such. Anyway, what happened was they took advantage of the auto-update feature and targeted people with Russian or Belarusian I.P addresses ( Yes even people just using VPNs will be affected by this ) and apparently hard drives were wiped. Even the computers that didn't have I.P addresses for those countries were targeted and had a stupid text file dumped on their desktop. It was only due to lucky really that I wasn't affected by this because I had been too busy RL to even load up Unity Hub.
To be fair to the Unity staff, they did catch it and squash it fairly quickly, I mean they'd have to really. However their response or rather lack of response has been pretty annoying. Any sensible staff would have done a site wide warning about it, just a "Hey, heads up guys, potential security breach" so people can be informed. They didn't do that, they just did an obscure forum post that I had to be told about and the only reason I found out about the breach was because of alt-tech sites. Not only that, they seem keen on sweeping this all under the rug and barely acknowledging it even happened which is not a good sign for their professionalism and they still haven't addressed the fact that it was the auto-update feature that got them into this mess in the first place.
As a result of all of this dumb drama I've decided just from a security perspective Godot is infinitely better. I mean Unity doesn't even really have it's own built-in IDE the way Godot does, they're all trying to push you into using the third party visual studio. Another potential security breach because it pesters you to sign in and also likes to update itself a lot. This is a lengthy rant but people should know about Unity's behaviour lately and it's a shame, because I like using Unity generally but it looks like I'm going to be going on a learning spree with Godot now. I'll stick with Unity for by the gods but only that because it would be just impractical to try and re-write the code for that project.