By the gods - Fresh pre-alpha gameplay footage

in Game Development3 years ago (edited)


Here's some fresh gameplay of what I have so far, the biggest addition was the damn influence ring which took me a hell of a lot longer than it really should and that visual effect etc. works correctly now. I've added some small bits here and there but I really want to get to work on newer mechanics and improve old ones like the fireball.

I'm going to see what I can do for this month and simply release a 0.0 pre-alpha build regardless of the state it's in for free so people can have a play at it. After that I'm hoping I can get some feedback good or bad and get to work on it more while building up a potential following for this game.

main mechanics in so far:

. Influence ring, fully functional with effect, you can only do stuff within your influence so you need to build to expand

. basic fireball throwing

. Building houses/fields ( Slightly broken, needs fixing right now )

. stockpiles are almost in

. Water miracle which can be used to grow trees, can't put out fires yet

. Worshipping mechanics are half in, villagers will go to the worship site when you move the totem in the village centre up and down holding right click on it

. Basic death mechanics are in with placeholder skeleton models, not too much use for them yet though as fireball mechanics need fixing

Mechanics that need to be added are a lot, so I'll just put the main chunks in:

. Saving/Loading ( Though not much use for that yet )

. Creatures with their own behaviours

. Multiplayer

. Proper building destruction and flames

. farming

. Lots more miracles

. Skirmish computer enemy

. More complex village behaviour

For any curious HIVE users who are coming across my content for the first time, I've left some links to the Unity forum threads I made about how to do the influence ring effect I show in the video.


This is cool.
What game engine are you building in???


Looking foward to try reminds me of Black & White with a sprinkle of Civilization. To increase the ring of influence you need to build that circular building or there's other ways?

LOL yeahhhhh 'reminds' you of black and white.... I'm convinced someone might try to sue me over how close this game is to that game LOL, going to see if I can get away with it regardless.

The circular building is the village centre and it just places the initial ring, to grow the ring you have to build houses but you also have the population to match. In this case the house currently available has 2 slots, so when you build one house and have 2 villagers available the ring will increase. If however you build a second house and don't have villagers to live there then the ring will not increase.

Should probably get a real guide written up so people understand the game better, but I'll save that for when I upload and let people play.

Ahah I hope and I think Ea forgot about B & W. I love the similarities though and your own spin, looking foward to try it when you release. I don't mind having no guide and to learn by playing a game with complex mechanics