
If the game dose well enough to cover my development costs and time spent on it I’ll consider creating an expansion for it. If not it was a fun side project but I have other things I’m involved in.

I might try putting this project up on other sites than itch and see how that goes. There are still more things this project can help me learn and understand in the indie game environment.

After some time I’ll write a post going into further details about using the game engine, its faults, how the project went and some other details. Itch seems to call such a post a “postmortem” but I thought that meant going over a projects failures and death. They word it as something you write after completing a project.

LOL indeed, in the lifecycle of project development, post mortem refers to the finality of the process, not necessarily of the project itself.

Happy to hear that itch gives some options for monetization!