Beyond Love and Money: Essential Considerations Before Getting Married

in HiveGhana8 months ago

We live in a part of the world where people are pressured to do almost anything because society believes it's the right thing to do and that most individuals who are at a particular age or stage should have this. The most notable of such pressures in this part of the world is getting married, but what people fail to realize is that there are many things that should be put into consideration before getting married, and those are beyond the common norms of money and love.


I'm a living testament to an individual who has and is still currently undergoing this type of pressure, and even though my reasons for abstaining from it are different from the focal point of this week's prompt, it's still one of the key factors that should be considered before getting married, and today I'll love to share my opinion on this subject matter.

The importance of love and money can never be overemphasized in the world we live in. In fact, I can categorically tell you that the absence of either of them is detrimental to the individual who lacks them because they play a huge role in our lives that goes beyond just marriage.

Looking at love on one side, it's very essential in meer friendship, not to mention marriage; that's a lifelong bond. A marriage without love is as good as over because love is what keeps them home when other things fade away. It's the present of love that makes one overlook some not-too-palatable things in marriage, with the belief that such would change with time inasmuch as there's love.


Love brings about understanding, empathy, commitment, and much more, to mention but a few. But in a situation where there's no love in a relationship, such a relationship could crumble at a slight misunderstanding on the path of either spouse, so I guess my little explanation about love helps you understand the importance of love in marriage and the role it plays in sustaining it.

On the other hand, when we talk about money, it's as important as love in our world today; in fact, its absence can ruin a lot of things. To start with, as an individual, you need money to stay alive, because without it, there's no way you'll be able to afford food for sustainability; you need it to look good, get the basic necessities of life, and much more, to mention but a few.

If you lack money as an individual, I can assure you that you yourself won't be happy with your life, and neither would you have anything to do with someone who's in the same situation as you. Marriage comes with commitment and responsibilities, and if you aren't able to tick all the boxes, then your marriage is driving towards the rock to be crumbled by the seige that follows the absence of money.

You need money to take care of the house, provide for the home as a man, or help out in your little way as the wife. You need it to put a smile on your spouse's face with the purchase of a gift or a couple's day out, for the well-being of your family, and to provide basic amenities for your kids, among many other things.


As you can see, both money and love are really important before diving into marriage, and the presence of both in a relationship can go a long way toward sustaining the marriage in times of challenge. So rather than choosing one, I'll advise you to go for both in order to have a peaceful home with a spouse who cherishes and appreciates you. But is that all it takes to make a marriage work? Is that all that is needed before diving into marriage? No, it isn't, and below I highlighted some other necessities:

Maturity: Unlike how society pressures people to get married because they're of age, the reverse is the case when it comes to maturity. In fact, in my opinion, maturity isn't all about age. We can have a 20-year-old who, although he or she seems young, could be mature enough to fend for his home if he or she is married, whereas a 35-year-old who isn't mature would. The importance of maturity cannot be overemphasized because it brings about good conflict resolution, and marriage tends to be a place where conflict will definitely arise.

Compatibility: Beyond love and money, one of the things to look out for in a partner is whether both are compatible or not. Diving into marriage with someone with whom you both don't share things in common is more or less like building a home with multiple cracks on the wall; such cracks will only bring about conflict that could end the marriage in a short time. The couple must share things in common like goals, values, communication, and lifestyle; without this, such a home would most likely seem like a grave yard that's only lively during sex, as both spouses have nothing in common and would most likely have nothing to talk about.
I'd have loved to do the same more, but I'm way past the limit suggested for this prompt, so I'll bring this to an end here. Thanks so much for your time. I hope you enjoyed the read and learned a thing or two. Do have a wonderful life, and my prayers are that you'll get the right partner if you aren't married, and if you are, that everything that is irregular in your home begins to work out well.

Do have a wonderful day and stay blessed.

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Huh! So so deep.

I laughed at some point.
Imagine if you yourself you don’t have money, how do you feel, than to go and marry with nothing
That was deep and also it is really true
I don’t know why people think age has something to do with maturity.