Hello hivians! Appreciating the fact that hiveghana brought this topic up is a good thing to the community because there's really many things to talk about when it comes to Empowerment generally...The word empowerment is often associated with addressing imbalance, creating opportunities and fostering equality and to tell us the truth, historically, focus has always been on empowering women due to systemic discrimination. Meanwhile men also face socialtal challenges that is necessitate.
I'll be sharing with us while men needs empowerment... Men are often confined by rigid stereotype, this are: Emotional suppression and Provider pressure...People expect men to suppress emotion, but it's not something easy to do for men, but with the power of empowerment, it can help men to embrace emotional intelligence, improving mental health and relationships. Secondly talking about Provider pressure, men are tradionally seen as the primary provider to the family, even if the man happen to be the last born of the family, they are still seen as the breadwinners to feed the family which is why men also need empowerment
Also in some cases in Educational and Professional opportunities, Men faces challenges in education and employment. That is, people prefer giving women attention first when it comes to education, samething to when it comes to Empowerment or profession. People prefer employing women first before men, thinking that they have more responsibilities to take of than men. Which is not true.
Men faces some kind form of discrimination towards their mother in battle custody. Our mother prefer giving women special attention, providing women what they want first before men and that is because they always have the mindset that men should hustle and provide for themselves and families. What I will say to this is that empowering men doesn't mean diminishing women progress, instead it compliments it. Educated, empathetic and empowered men can become allies in advocating gender equality, promoting inclusivity and dismantling systematic inequalities
The truth is modern societies should push to share responsibilities in parenting and household chores. Empowering men to embrace this roles help to achieve a healthier work life and this will also help men in balancing and dismantling traditional gender hierarchies. If this can be done, I belief it will go along way... Not doing this will keep increasing suicide rates globally, often linked to socialtal pressure, but doing this empowerment will encourage men, reduce stigma and improve access to support system.
My conclusion on this is that, Empowering men addresses socialtal imbalances, promote emotional and mental well being. It is aligns with the boarder goal of creating an equitable society where everyone, regardless of gender can thrive. Also Empowerment isn't about competition, it is about ensuring everyone has the tools and opportunities to live fulfilling lives.
Read and digest this.... Thanks