Calm & Chaos;Lessons from a Stubborn Childhood

in HiveGhana2 months ago


Lovely afternoon to all hiveghanian's, sincerely this topic remind me alot of how I spent my childhood. Growing up, I was a mix of calm and stubborn, two sides of the same coin, really. I had this calm exterior that fooled everyone into thinking I was angel, but beneath it, I was a force to reckon with when my mind was made up. If I wanted something, no amount of reasoning could sway me

This make me remember one particular incident when my stubbornness landed me into trouble. I was about seven years old then, and my mum warned me not to climb the mango tree in our backyard. She said the branches weak and could break at any time, but I refused to listen to her. To me, it wasn't just a tree, it was my mountain of conquer. So, one afternoon, while no one was watching, I climbed it. At first it felt amazing. I reached for a ripe mango and thought. This is worth it

But then, the branches snapped. I came crashing down, mango and all. Luckily, I wasn't seriously hurt, but the pain and my mom's stern look taught me something I'll never forget. To say the truth, stubbornness isn't always bravery. It's sometimes foolishness disguised as courage. That moment stayed with me. Over time, I learned to balance my stubbornness streak with calm reflection. I realized it's okay to stand firm for what matters, but it's also wise to listen to others, especially when they have your best interests at heart. So that makes me to learned my lesson in that incident.

There's another incident that happened again when I was 9years old then. Sincerely I used to be a very calm kid when things were going my way, but the moment they didn't, my stubborn side will take over.

One time, I remember sneaking out with my cousins to swim in a river we were strictly told to avoid. It wasn't even about the river; I just didn't like being told "no". We thought we were invincible, until I slipped on a rock and got swept by the current. Thankfully, my cousin grabbed me before things got worse, but that moment scared me to my core

The lesson hit me hard; stubbornness could cost more than I realized. From that day, I learned the importance of listening to advice, especially when it comes from someone who cares. Looking back, it was more than a lesson. It was a shift in how I saw rules and risks. Being both stubborn and calm shaped me. Stubbornness made me determined, while calmness taught me patience. Together, they've been my strengths and, at times my weaknesses

What about you? Were you more of a stubborn rule-breakers or the calm, obedient type? Let's gist on this if you're available!!!


I also had that stubbornness in me when i was a child