Hello everyone, compliments of the season, I hope everyone is doing great. Here is my entry for one of the topics for this week's engagement and I believe it will go a long way in helping lots of people out in this season.
Many people living in tropical rainforest areas like the West African countries can attest to the fact that the weather in these areas is currently harsh with a combination of heavy harmattan. One of the effects of this atmospheric condition is that it causes dry skin to the inhabitants. I live in this area precisely the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria. Every day we have to battle dry skin issues, dust from the earth as well and early morning cold.
This has been so challenging that a lot of people are finding it difficult to cope with the climate change issue hence, lots of efforts are put into ensuring that the effects of climate change on the body are reduced. What is required is living a healthy lifestyle by eating well and following health workers' prescriptions.
These are some of the lifestyles we exhibit to be able to contend with the harsh weather.
Drinking lots of water: one of the things that has helped us out is drinking water. It is the water that has helped in regulating the body temperature and also reduces the effect of the dryness of the skin. It also helps in moisturizing the skin. Every day we have to drink at least four litres of water. We all know that water plays an important role in the general well-being of a person. Moreover, water helps in clearing the throat of all dust particles that find their way over there.
Another is the use of PPE. The personal protective equipment we use during this season is the nose mask. As a result of enormous particles of dust on the earth brought about by the cessation of rainfall. Although the nose mask may not fully protect dust from entering the nasal cavity, at least it will reduce the amount of it.
I won't fail to mention the use of blankets or heavy materials to cover ourselves at night. Like I said earlier, this period is usually cold, especially at night, so what we do is cover ourselves with blankets or other pieces of clothes. It will interest you to know that most of us have to bathe in warm water, especially in the morning. This is also to tackle the cold weather.
Another is eating healthy meals like more veggies. Eating healthy food will help to fight diseases and promote general body wellness. Therefore, staying healthy is one of the things that helps us overcome some of the challenges of the moment.
In conclusion, the use of enormous body lotion or body cream is inevitable. As the harmattan soars higher, the effect becomes higher as well, so to fight this dryness of skin, we use body lotion on our bodies before heading out. Also, most people use lip gloss to keep their lips from breaking.
On the whole, having a positive mindset, and staying healthy is what matters.
The one that affects me most is the dryness of lips. I apply lipgloss more than some women now, I can't wait for the weather to normalise😅