My love experience

in HiveGhana11 months ago

Hello guys welcome to vlog once again on todays vlog I would be talking about love just as it’s in the prompt .
I don’t know if I should say I’m not lucky when it comes to love or I’m not just good enough for anyone to love me and cherish me as I always do to them.

There’s this guy that I met when I graduated from college,it all started as friendship and everything was going smoothly but along the line we both fell in love and he asked me out to be his girlfriend which I accepted.
We were doing just fine until his ex girlfriend visited his family house and I asked him who the girl was but he lied and told me the girl was his cousin and I believed him since I trusted him there was no reason to doubt him .

On this faithful morning my boyfriend called me and asked to follow him for morning walk out while we were there his supposed cousin came and pushed me inside the gutter and I was so surprised why she would do that but my boyfriend pick up a quarrel with her and I walked out of where they were standing and handed home .

When I got home I kept on asking myself why she did that ,but luckily for me my boyfriend’s friend told me the whole truth and that was how I ended the relationship cause I can’t imagine be in a relationship that my partner doesn’t respect me .

I stayed single for one year and before I knew it I started another talking stage ,as usual his was sweet and caring at the beginning but things began to change when I suspected him of cheating which I was right .well,I still walked out of the relationship.

You guys might wonder why I’m telling you this but I’m just using myself as an example to everyone out there that no matter how it seems to find true love don’t ever try or fight it to be the lover girl or boy that you are because one day just one the right and good person would surely locate you .and don’t try to pay evil with evil if your past partner treated you that doesn’t mean you should pass the aggression to the next person.

I’m currently in the most and amazing relationship right now he treats me as his well and never let me to doubt the love that he has for me if it’s true or not .


SourceHere is your Proof of Brian. I think you meant #ProofOfBrain

Love is a thing that comes from the heart. Is just that people some people do not understand who love's them but we can't judge what love is, because I it has not been proven what it is.

It sounds like you've really been through some challenging experiences in your past relationships, but am glad to hear that you've found happiness in your current one. All the best Sis!

Thanks sis , I really went through a lot but all thanks to God now I’m happy with someone who love and cherish me