Turning stories into glories.

in HiveGhana6 months ago


Since I was a young child, giving back to society has most delighted me. My experience with blockchain technology has made that desire a reality and enabled me to realize ambitions that are beyond description. A remarkable instance of this goal coming true is the recent opening of the 17th Hive borehole.

This project represented an exceptional team effort. As a co-founder and project manager, I, @mcsamm, am thrilled to collaborate with @missbitcoin-sv (Miss Universe El Salvador) in the introduction of this transformative project. This event's beauty and importance extend beyond the technology that made it possible.

The Ghanaian village of Nsuta Kwagyei has long suffered from a serious water issue. Frequently, women and children are the ones who suffer the most from this, having to go great distances to get water to their homes. Finding out that a large portion of the town got their water from a river that was around 10 miles distant broke my heart. While women and schoolchildren had to trek kilometers for a fundamental requirement, the chief and the village kept water in gallons for survival.





More than simply a source of water, this 17th borehole is built and entirely financed by the Hive blockchain which stands for empowerment and optimism for the people of Nsuta Kwagyei.

The goal of this project is to improve the lives of communities that have endured years of hardship. Our goal is to enable youth to make positive changes in their communities and to inspire long-lasting change by attending to these basic needs.

The Nsuta Kwagyei chief and his people united in pleasure at the historic inauguration event. The fact that chiefs from nearby communities attended the ceremony increased its importance. The joy that filled the faces of all those in attendance was absolutely invaluable.


The Nsuta Kwagyei community has our sincere gratitude for their assistance and collaboration in making this initiative a reality.

We also extend our special gratitude to Ghanaian media outlets that came and assisted in promoting this historic event. Your attendance was crucial in making sure that the word about Hive's donation spread far.

At the function, the chief thanked Hive for helping them out and urged the young people to get involved in things that will improve their communities as well as themselves. We are able to change lives and strengthen societies because of our strong sense of community and our intelligent use of technology.








Completed Hive Boreholes in Ghana
1st hive borehole, Fawoade, Ghana

2nd hive borehole, Agona Bedomase, Ghana

3rd hive borehole, Anwomaso, Ghana

4th hive borehole: Pentecost sch Bremang, Ghana

5th hive borehole, Jamasi Dawu

6th hive borehole, Asamang

7th hive borehole, Asamang

8th hive borehole: Chichibon

9th hive borehole, Chanshegu

10th hive borehole, Gbamyamli

11th hive borehole, Kanvili-kukuo

12th hive borehole, Asamankama A

13th hive borehole: Asamankama B

14th hive borehole: Wadie Adwumakase

15th hive borehole: Nantong Kpawumo

16th hive borehole : Dingoni


Project : Construction of borehole
Location : Nsuta Kwagyei, Ghana, West Africa
Sponsor : @valueplan
Project manager : @mcsamm & @collinz


Changing lives with hive.


Wow that's really amazing 😍 this gives a very big impact on their lives

An endless impact.

People of Kwagyei are most grateful to you @mcsamm for this kind gesture. Among all the boreholes donated, this very one has been in the media through out the country till now because the people in that very were indeed craving for portable drinking water

Your effort made a huge difference. Thanks always, buddy.