Connecting classrooms.

in HiveGhanalast year


As a strong advocate for using technology to improve communities, particularly in underprivileged areas like Africa, I recently began a trip to investigate methods to empower children in Ghanaian schools. Empowered by the notion that blockchain and Web3 technologies have enormous promise, I set out to identify and overcome the barriers to students' technical growth.

During my visit to a high school in Ghana, I became overwhelmed by the seriousness of the digital gap that exists in many educational institutions. It was upsetting to see the absence of basic infrastructure, especially in computer laboratories, limiting students' access to critical technical tools.

In most institutions, the scarcity of computers requires numerous students to share a single desktop, significantly limiting their hands-on experience and hindering their ability to completely develop their IT abilities. Furthermore, the lack of dependable internet access worsens the problem by depriving pupils of crucial online tools and educational possibilities.



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One standout from my tour was the Pentecost Senior High School in Kumasi, Ghana. Despite their enthusiasm to adopt technology, the school encountered considerable obstacles owing to limited resources and infrastructure. It was clear that without enough assistance and investment in technology, pupils would remain at a disadvantage in an increasingly digital world.

Despite these difficulties, there is a potential for constructive change. We can close the technological divide and prepare Ghanaian students to flourish in the digital age by using the revolutionary potential of blockchain and Web3 technologies.

Moving forward, I am dedicated to advocating for projects that improve technical infrastructure in Ghanaian schools. There are several ways to help and uplift our children, including contributions of computer equipment, the construction of technology centres, and collaborations with IT businesses.

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Let us work together to create a future in which every Ghanaian child has access to the skills and resources necessary to flourish in an increasingly connected world. We can create a brighter, more inclusive future for everybody by working together and innovating. Thanks to you, @mynewlife for going through this with me.


The contribution of these technologies in high schools is a great start towards preparing them for more advanced technology as they grow, you guys are doing a great job, keep it up.

Thank you. This is the new world and everyone must move along.

The borden in your heart to grow the physical environment and make the students exposed to the world of internet is a good move.
And i believe that your investment and sacrifice on them won't be a waste

This is a step in the right direction, it will prepare this children for the future because these gadgets will enhance learning.
Many children in Nigeria needs these gadgets, and many schools do not have access to these devices.

Your job is amazing! I really admire it!! Those children are very lucky, and I hope many children in different countries and cities start having the opportunity to have access to these resources.

Thanks a lot for sharing!


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How can we close the technology gap and prepare Ghanaian students to thrive in the digital age, considering the difficulties faced by the Pentecostal Secondary School in Kumasi, Ghana? 🌐📚🇬🇭

These children use much more modern computers than what I (and most people in my age) used as a child. Hopefully they have LAN and at least a few video games, which they can play in multiplayer. I had both in the elementary school. Not so much in the middle school, but I still have pleasant memories from both of these places.