From what I’ve experienced, read, and seen in people’s lives, I think the journey of finding one’s love is likened to that of striving for success in life. One often needs to go through thick and thin before arriving at it. Although not everyone goes through the hard paths to achieve success, somehow, there are still hurdles to overcome, even for those born with a silver spoon. To me, finding love is not really bad when approached this way because anything beautiful often comes with a little or big touch of refinement.
Congratulations to those who found love at first sight and had it go smoothly for them. But I think that kind of love won’t work for me. Why? I love it when it’s tough at the initial stage and smooth at the end—a typical example of eating the bone first before the flesh. You may call me weird or liken me to someone who doesn’t appreciate good things, but that’s not it. Good things are hard to come by, and love should be among them, or is love not good?
Some months back, I had a friend from this blockchain peep into my love life. Along the line, I had to tell her the kind of things I like in a relationship or when finding love, and she immediately tagged it as a toxic relationship or, rather, toxic love. But that’s not it. I don’t see myself in a relationship where there’ll be tough times from the beginning to the end, always quarrelling and battling. No. Let there be quarrels, especially at the beginning. Let the pursued give terms and conditions that will make the pursuer work hard for it, and at the end, let the terms-and-conditions giver be as soft as a dove. Don’t you like it that way?
I wouldn’t like it if I were finding love and everything just clicked without stress. No, no. I’d get tired easily. It wouldn’t feel like I worked for it. I love it when I sweat for it and later win it.
This is why, even when a lady I’m not close to starts giving me green lights, signaling she wants us to get together, mehn, she’ll have to work for it oooh! Let there be a little stress on it. (I hope the friends I talk to on the other side of my life don’t come and read this.) Lol😅
Life is designed in such a way that our days on this earth cannot always be smooth. There are definitely challenges from time to time, and truthfully, you can’t completely define our existence on this planet without mentioning those challenges. Taking it deeply, it’s those challenges that sometimes make life fun and worth living. Likewise, it’s those little issues that make relationships sweeter. I don’t mean a toxic relationship with beatings—no! I mean those little irrelevant quarrels that appear very relevant. Those stresses on the body of love make it sweet. So, yeah, the emotional stresses are worth it.
Thanks for reading.
This is my entry to Hiveghana prompt of the week.
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This was so interesting to read
I hope to find love someday 💖❤️
Thank You.
But can I search at your side?🫣
Okay. You like tough love. Got it😂
This article is not for you oooh!!!!
Wongi unread it😅
That’s a very interesting pov and from what I know you start a relationship with quarrels, there wouldn’t even be a relationship to continue after sometime.
Tuesday! Tuesday!
You are not ready oh 😂😂
You too, unread what you read😅
Hmmm, that's true
Yes oooh!
You like tough love, the type you will work for. It's still good though.
Good thing comes with a prize