Is the lecture worth your time .?

in HiveGhana10 months ago

Hi guys, Hope you all are doing great .?

Ever been in a lecture and felt it was a waste of time ? Sitting down thinking how to pass the time so you could get back to doing other stuff which would have been more productive .

Since level 100 I’ve been to a couple of lectures which I felt was a waste of time , and could’ve done something better or study and cover much on my own. Atleast every semester there is always a lecture which I felt was a waste of time .

In my opinion, I feel it is better to stay back at the hostel and do something better or learn than to go for a lecture which wouldn’t be worth the time . When I say not worth the time I am referring to lectures where the lecturer would just come and read out the slides word for word and not even attempting to explain what he’s reading out. I get it, it’s university I don’t expect everything to be spoon fed to me during lectures , but atleast there should be limits 😌. In some cases too lecturers would talk about irrelevant stuff most of the lecture time and many other more

Imagine waking up before 6am to prepare for a lecture only to get there and the lecturer comes late and still don’t deliver .Basically you have wasted precious time .
Sometimes I don’t go for lectures out of tiredness and on few occasion laziness because I won’t be able to concentrate. In this case the lecture is worth the time , but I would be only wasting my own time

A friend of mine at University of Ghana once told me for some lecture he just sits at the hostel and learn the lecture notes rather than walk all the way to lectures hall , and his reasons were reasonable and seemed fair on his part .

One of my lecturer back at level 200 used an entire lecture to talk about himself . I admit it was fun and interactive but at the end of the lecture we learnt nothing 😅. We only learnt his name and businesses he’s involved in. I personally have skipped a couple of lectures because I felt it wasn’t worth my time. I feel guilty for missing lectures sometimes yet still, I feel it isn’t worth my time and if I were to stay back at the hostel I would learn more and better .
Now here’s the situation my school gives marks for attendance, most of our lecturers are quite serious about it and others don’t care lol. Attendance alone is 10 marks out of the 100 marks for each course. So now even if the I feel the lecture wouldn’t be worth my time I would be forced to go just because of attendance 😂hell nah I can’t let this 10 marks go free

Thanks for reading and see you in my next post 👋.


I also have attended lectures where I felt I was wasting my time but then you know Navrongo campus, and how small it is.
In my class, it wasn’t easy to miss lectures because the lectures knew us so missing it was a big problem.

Same with my class
We aren’t many so the lecturers know us

😅but still sometimes I have to jie eye