Back to the roots

in HiveGhana10 months ago

For some unknown reason I have wanted to write about this long time ago but still didn’t. Hello dear reader and welcome to my blog.

Late last year. I went to my hometown, Chereponi. Anytime I go back home my mum makes sure I visit my aunts and uncles and other relatives at the village my mums village is not very far from the town . Normally I feel reluctant to go . But I have no other option. It wasnt my first time going there , I go there almost every time I travel back home.
On the day I was going to the village I had a lift form my uncle from the town to the village , he teaches at a school in another village just nearby my mums , so he dropped on the way . It was dry season and harvest time so there was no green crops along the road.

Don’t get me wrong I love to go the village but one thing I don’t like is “meet and greet”😅. The moment I step my foot in the village I start going round to various houses to greet close and extended family members. If you have been to a village before you would understand me , the greetings are usually very lengthy plus a whole lot of introductions.

When I got there, everyone had gone to the farm it was harvest time for soya beans , beans and yams , so they were usually busy. Only the little children and older ones were at home. I met only my aunt at home and some few kids and other older people who weren’t strong enough to farm anymore
So the meet and greet numbers had reduced drastically lol . So my aunty and I went over to her sisters house to say hello but she to had just left for the farm. But she was called back and came to spend a few minutes with us

Anyway I was expected to stay over for the night and meet the rest when they get back from the farm. My aunt told me stay so they make chicken soup for me . But I still didn’t want to stay. I did intend staying over so I wasn’t prepared to stay the night
so I decided to follow my uncle back to town when he closed from work. My mum was not very happy about but I told her next time I will sleep there. Before i left i was given beans and yam to take home.

I don’t know when I would be going back but when I do go back I will be going back again

Thanks gor reading and see in my bext post


Why were you feeling reluctant to go. I guess other readers will want to know