No lie adulthood can be challenging and stressful. But it also depends on the individual some find it easier others don’t .
Since I turned 18 I don’t think adulthood has been very challenging for me. But I would always choose childhood over adulthood . It’s the real definition of sweet and soft life 😂
The first challenging moment for me as an adult was when I first came to the university. I had to report alone. it was a place I had never been to. A school I had never set foot in . Actually I passed there once in bus on my way to a neighboring town when I was in basic school. It was an excursion. I could travel alone but the thought of being new in a new environment was freaking me out .I think that was one of the first thing I did as an adult. But luck was on my side that day . I met a continuing student at the station and thanks to him a I escaped a whole lot of stress . He helped me a lot
Now let me get me back on track. Personally I do not think adulthood has been very challenging though I have had my ups and downs and times when I felt the load was to much on me . I am not just saying this for saying sake . I have got my own reasons . I am still a student and entirely dependent on my parents . I do not work nor do anything for a living. So basically I live a stress free life 😂 and I know is just for now . I know it’s just for now.
When ever I think about life after school all I see is a challenging adulthood or a more challenging life than now . I am months away from completing university and bagging my first degree .In Shaa Allah . But that is what scares me most . Every final year student student is always enthusiastic about completing and bagging their first degree. But I feel otherwise . I won’t lie I am happy that I would be done with school especially school work assignments, group works and so on . But the scary part is is the real life out there . I will encounter more decision making, financial independence and more responsibility
Most times I feel whatever it is now is not the real adulthood yet but the real adulthood is yet to come and that is after school .
I Hope you enjoyed my post and thanks for your time
See you in my next post
Fore sure, no one, I mean no one that's currently an adult would choose adulthood to that of childhood. Lol
Your own is good. You haven't really felt the heat of adulthood
Yh I haven’t and that’s the problem
I feel like it’s yet to come
It’s really understandable how finishing school scares you.
I was so scared of leaving school too
I didn’t know how I was going to get through real life but here I am
So don’t worry, you’ll be fine my dear
Alright. I hope so 🥲
Don’t worry dear, the real world isn’t as scary as you think it is.
The truth is it might always be easy but it’s not always bad.
There will be go and there will be bad but trust me it won’t scare you off.
Okay, I just hope things work out as planned . Thanks 😊
Don't be afraid the real adulthood isn't as hard as people always taught. Once you plan ahead and pray to God.
So don't worry you will be fine
Okay . I will
Thanks 🙏
As much as I thought of how scary the world would be after school, that feeling could not surpass the feeling of being done with that degree😂
I think a little bit of planning and setting intentional goals will make it better for you