
in HiveGhana11 months ago

Good afternoon lovely sundry, it feels great to come your way again and I humbly welcome you to my blog. I'm
Very happy to share my thoughts on the topic raised this week.
Indeed cleanliness is Next to Godliness. As a nurse by profession, I don't only fancy this statement but I always make sure I provide it as well. Imagine how our world would be if we were all to abide by and practice cleanliness.

When we talk of cleanliness, is not about looking good just from the outside but the inside. What we normally find on our streets today is people spending time with themselves instead of the environment they live in. This is the more reason i don't actually joke with my surroundings especailly where i lived. Im one partuclar person that believes, if i can change the whole counrey i can chnave where i lived. Is something that has kept me living my life the way I want it to be.

I have in many ways inculcated this habit in the rise around me, especially among my immediate family members. It has become a daily habit among my young siblings that they have to take their morning ing bath before breakfast.
People find some of these things difficult because people around them don't practice. If we were to keep practicing cleanliness, I do not think every government would spend so much money just for sanitation purposes.
We are always promoting that prevention is always a better cure. So promoting cleanliness among ourselves is the best way by which we can fall sick.
I have instituted every 2 days of the week for my general cleaning. I always clean my room and my surroundings. This is to have good ventilation and prevent other insect encroachment in my room.
I can specifically remember, that I always have this cleaning and I came across a little scorpion in my room. Actually, I was afraid but with the help of my brother, I kicked it out. Sometimes we might not know what is inside our rooms until we start to clean up.

We must not always wait for the government or authorities to impose laws or directives before we start to act.
Cleanliness is everything that we need to survive amidst the difficulties we face in this world.
Thank you. @iamnessa


Yeah I also saw baby scorpion one time in my room in school
It was actually really scary for me but as a point I got over because I used to clean a lot

Indeed, it’s very important for us to do certain things ourselves than to just depend on the government to make rules for us.

This was interesting to read Nessa, we however recommend that you try your best to reach the word count for the weekly engagement topics and also include the right tags.
Oh and it looks like you mistakenly uploaded the same pictures twice