Greetings HiveGhana family,
The HiveGhana team wishes you a happy new week with fresh ideas and new accomplishments. We hope you had a great weekend and we look forward to having an exciting and engaging week with you.
We at Hive Ghana wish to thank you all for your hard work and commitment so far and we want to encourage all members to keep up the good work on the blockchain and also not give up on achieving their goals both on and off the blockchain. We believe that you are amazing and are meant for bigger things so ,now is not the time to give up.
This week, we bring you amazing writing prompts that are going to blow your mind. You asked, and we have delivered !
Let’s go back to your days as a kid. Looking back, I bet you had a great time being a kid. What were those stuff you did as a kid which you find hard to believe today. Share with us let’s have some fun.
We all come from various backgrounds and that’s a fact. Even if we are in the same country, we each have our tribal traditions. This week, we want you to share a tradition which is common in your community.
Is it how you have to prostrate to greet elders or how you don’t eat meat when eating with grown ups?
It’s no news that the world is battling with the issue of climate change and the waste we generate each day constitutes largely to this canker.
What is your take on recycling and how important is it to the world as a whole. Would you recommend mass recycling and what kind of waste should be added to the already existing list of recyclables?
All post links should be dropped in the HiveGhana discord post promotion channel and not in the weekly engagement post comment session. Before putting your post link in the post promotion channel, lets all endeavour to engage on other posts in the community to boost our engagement in the community and on the blockchain.
All posts should have a word count ranging from 450 to 500 words. Our curators will be looking over the content, so we would like everyone to try to meet this requirement.
This activity will remain active until Sunday, 1st December. Thus, we strongly encourage all participants to submit their entries before the last day.
All Hive Ghana community members are invited to participate by writing on ONE, Two, or all THREE topics, each focusing on a topic that excites them and they would like to write about. If you are submitting THREE entries be sure to post on separate days, not the same day.
Also, let's all endeavor to visit others' posts and leave good comments
If you wish to participate in our weekly activity, please ensure that you subscribe to the Hive Ghana community.
Please note that votes are not guaranteed.In your post, could you include the tags #Hiveghana and #Ghana to enhance its visibility and increase the chances of receiving post-curation
Also, ensure that all your entries are creatively crafted. Please use your own images or photos. If you decide to utilize images from copyright-free sources, make sure to provide appropriate credit..
No AI generated content is allowed in the #HiveGhana community. If caught your post would be muted and you’d be banned from taking part in any activity in the community
We eagerly anticipate receiving your entries and reading about what you must share.
We've got really interesting topics to engage with this week