in HiveGhana11 months ago

The mass media, comprising not only TV, radio, and newspapers but also encompassing people, policies, and organizational structures, serves as a vital conduit for transmitting messages to vast audiences. In a world where information is key, the media's role is pivotal in shaping our understanding of the environment, propelling us beyond the Stone Age.


From politics and economics to culture and entertainment, the media weaves itself into the very fabric of our society, assuming the roles of professional intellectuals, social movement catalysts, and awareness creators. The absence of media would leave us grappling in the dark with complex issues, legal jargon, and economic intricacies.

Yet, within its overt functions lie subtle yet impactful undertones that shape societies. The media, apart from being a catalyst for societal change and policy formation, assumes a nuanced role in the economic and political realms.

The ideological underpinnings of media houses, driven by political and economic philosophies, influence their alignment with particular governance and political policies. In Ghana, for instance, liberal policies dominate the media landscape, with a notable inclination toward the NPP party, a trend partly rooted in the repeal of the criminal libel law during the Kuffour administration.

Furthermore, the media assumes a dual identity as a vehicle for advertisers, bridging the gap between production and consumption. In the global economy, morality often takes a backseat as audience commodification becomes the norm. Advertisers leverage the media to promote consumerism, turning the audience into commodities packaged and sold during news hours.

This shift from serving the public interest to becoming a tool for profit-driven agendas is evident. Media owners and advertisers wield significant influence, controlling information flow and selectively shaping the narrative. Scandals involving high-profile personalities are often swept under the rug to safeguard the interests of the profiteering conglomerates.

In essence, the media, once a watchdog for the public, has transformed into a guard dog for the ruling class. It is crucial to recognize that the media doesn't solely exist to deliver news; various political dynamics come into play even before a news item reaches your screen. Scrutinizing the media's role in serving the people versus political establishments becomes imperative in a landscape where its influence is formidable and multifaceted.

 11 months ago (edited) 

Now, even the media which ought to be free and fair devoid of partisanship doesn't follow this principle and so everything tends to be swayed in one way or another, stories are getting manipulated to showcase only a certain of the truth.

Try centering your images, it makes your articles nicer


Very true Dr. the media landscape seems to be navigating murky waters, with the once-clear line between unbiased reporting and partisanship becoming increasingly blurred. I'll heed to you instruction on image centering in my subsequent post Sir!!

I wouldn't even say the media is inclined to just one party in any issue, as you mentioned. However, they have the tendency to align with parties that are in power. Or should I say the ruling party is the one that influences them? The truth is, we need sanitization in our media landscape to serve our nation well. This is informative and educative. Thanks for sharing, and we would appreciate it very much if you could visit other posts on HiveGhana to leave a comment. @ghanaba

I couldn't agree with you more. We surely need to sanitize our media space.