If my parents weren't my real parents

in HiveGhana7 months ago

So with today let's imagine together and say my parents aren't my biological parents and that my real parents are rich. Hm what or how am I going to react. Looking at it, it feels chaotic but let's just see it as if it were real.


So saying the parents I thing are my biological parents are actually not my real parents and someway somehow I find out it's going to be heartbreaking, just might be worse pertaining to how I find out. Just like any ordinary person if you find out that your parents lied to you it's definitely going to hurt. If I'm told my them then the pain would not be as much as bring told by a stranger because that's going to hurt much more.

But then again, I would be thinking what made you take care of me when i had rich parents, like did you kidnap me, did they not want me, my thoughts would be going wild. I might be angry but would definitely need answers to my questions because then again they are rich so what happened.


Again away from them bring rich, even though they may have the money and all the love i got from my parents wouldn't be able to be duplicated. Would my biological parents love me like my other parents, thoughts just running through my brains, chaotic but they wouldn't leave without being answered.


Money might be attractive, but then again could the love be duplicated. Because I doubt and I can't compromise with love and I bet even though may hurt, I wouldn't be able to trade my not real parents for anything.


Even if I find out that they are not my biological parents that doesn't still change the fact that they are not my parents oh. The love I have for then will never change

Yes your emotions will spike, and you will want closure on why and what made the situation that way but I believe family isn't always because you share the same DNA, Family is sharing care and undying love amongst one another

Yes true family is about love, thanks

Indeed, no amount of money and wealth can actually replace the love your parents might have raised you with. You definitely would also have so many questions running through your mind.

This was interesting to read Elvira.However, don’t forget the word count is 350.
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You are doing well, keep it up.

Sure, thank you

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