Are you okay?

in HiveGhana6 months ago

In a world were everyone is busy trying to make ends meet we forget about the people next to us who are suffering. Too busy thinking about ourselves we don't think to see if the next person by us is okay. Sometimes the signs are so clear but still difficult to notice, until something unexpected happens then we get to see but sometimes might be too late.

Take a break go back to you call logs and call anyone, take a break and look closely at the people around you, take a break and say a kind word to someone, it might be you saving someone's life with just that one kind gesture.

Are you okay? Sometimes we got to ask ourselves that too. It could be you breaking down but wouldn't want to admit because you got a lot of responsibilities you got to do, but then take a break and ask yourself, how are you?

Sometimes the person you need is you and not the person next door. Sometimes all you need is a break from everyone and everything, try to relax and ask yourself are you okay. The world moves too fast if care is not taken you might be left behind because you didn't take the necessary step to be emotionally and physically sound.

A short poems I wrote when I was down:

Time quickens
Memories fade
People change
Nothing left to cheer about
Feeling lost
Hearts racing
Dreams shattering
Sadness crawling up my vines
Hope's lost
Cries in the corner
No one to run to
Fears manifesting
All alone
No one to save me


Make people around you see and know that they are loved.


Hello Elvira, with citing the sources of your images, I believe you mean [Source] and not {Source}.
Kindly take note of this ma’am.