Hello Everyone on HiveGhana community, it's good to be here again.
I will like to engage on the Topic "YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE "
I find this topic very interesting
Actually I have a lot of quote but one of My favorite quote is "DON'T FAIL TO PLAN,BECAUSE IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN YOU PLAN TO FAIL"
This quote has been stucked in my brain since childhood, it was through my class teacher in primary school that I first heard about this wise saying (quote) .She do use it to encourage us to learn,read and write must especially when we are very close to Examination period.
I was motivated alot then about the quote but now it is having more meaning and interpretation to me, the message is now very clear more than ever before..
This quote really help me to see life from a Preparation stand point.. This world is full of different activities and we are engaged one way or the other in one actitivies or the other. Preparation really matters alot in any field we belong to
We do make a little prepation, me and my colleagues in class as at J. SS 2 then, we will contribute money from our pocket money, #50 per day for a whole term in other to use it buy tangible things during the Holiday.. This really help us in so many way.. I remember using part of the money to buy one of my Textbook then, everybody was amaze at home when they were aware about it, they really encouraged me to do more
I remember those days also in school when we are given a new topic in Mathematics,I will go to one of my brothers house after school hour to study, he will explain better to me, till I solve it perfectly by myself ,during this period it wasn't easy,I need to focus, ask questions and so on,but the next day when I get to class,I was able to answer questions Confidently, Teachers and Students started respecting me. I notice I wasn't scared again like before.. This really interpreted my favorite quote to me better and since then I am able to focus and make preparation in every thing I find myself doing
People tends to respect you when they notice you know what you are doing, but you only respect yourself when you make preparations, because when you respect yourself it definitely command respect from others..
"Important of Preparation"
1)It takes away fear
2)It brings success and fulfillment..
3)It command respect..
I remember my mentor telling me that "Whenever you are scared check if you've prepared,if you want achievement check if you have prepared,if you want to be respected, check if you have prepared".
Preparing is the Key
I hope you learnt something from my favorite quote
I so much love this quote. It has made me a better version of myself. As I always plan ahead of time
Thank you 🥰
Nice quotes dear brother.To become a good manager you need to have a plan which is to be executed so that you won't fail .
Thank you sir 🥰 @harhess