Can you spend all your life savings to save a loved one

in HiveGhana2 days ago

Some people would waste their entire savings and even take loans that put them in debt to save the lives of their loved ones who are sick but in the end the person still dies, this equals two losses... The loss of their loved one and loss of their money.



In this case, the dead are gone and have gotten peace but peace is far from the living who spent their entire lives savings to try to save the dead, where will they start, how will they cope, and why didn't the dead die at the right time and why is it after all money is gone before he eventually gives up the ghost.

I do not blame those who spent all their money to revive the one they love, it is an act of true love and how they cherish and still want that person among them but death is inevitable and at a point in life, we are all going to die.

There was a case of a rich man who fell critically ill, this man was blessed with a wife and 2 children who adored him, and when he fell sick, they tried their best to make him well again, the hospital he was admitted asked for huge amount of money to treat him, so they started to sell his property, five houses were sold, cars and other asset he owned, yet he didn't get better, it only prolong his life and it got worse when there was nothing else to sell except for the house they live in, so they took a loan from the bank which they also use in treating the man and then he died! He died leaving his family with nothing but a broken heart and debt.



It was after his death it dawned on his family what they had gotten themselves into, the man got peace through death but no peace for them because they had nothing anymore, banks claimed the house after some months as they could not pay back.

This is not being mean and I hope none of my family members will ever get sick to the extent that I will need to give out all my life savings, I mean like sell everything I own to pour into the treatment because I will never do that no matter how much I love the person, I can still do 50 percent of my life savings but all? no way! The living must live well too and not let the dead take everything with them.

So I think Euthanasia is a good option for people who are not responding to treatment, there is a level of pain that one will wish for death and such people should be granted their wish because death is one thing many people are scared of, for someone to wish for it, it means they have reached the max level of pain and can't bare it no more, they are being done a favor with euthanasia.

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You are quite realistic in this case. I am sure you won't mind spending 60% of your life savings also to save your beloved ones but I think selling everything is not possible within a short time even if you want to.
Whatever the scenario, I hope nobody faces such a situation.

thanks man, you get my points, yea i can spend 60 percent knowing fully well that the remaining 40 percent can still be used to take care of myself and other loved ones, but the whole 100 percent on someone dying, is a no!

I don't have to agree your opinions to appreciate your free flow of thoughts. May you fell in love with someone!

May you fell in love with someone!

My love once asked me if I can die for her, my reply is no because my life doesn’t belong to me and dying for her means am sacrificing the life of 7 other people.

The same applies in this post, spending my entire life savings on someone I love who is about to die, I won’t be the only one to suffer the consequence,6 others tied to me will also suffer the consequence because I won’t be able to help myself talkless of helping them.

So the choice am left with is either to try and save one loved one whose chance of getting better is not certain and it is also not guaranteed that the money I have will be enough to save the person or I can be mean not to put myself in debt and assure a good life for the other 6 still alive and healthy …

I understand your point but as a family man, I must be very logical…. Because whatever decisions I take will not only affect me but every of my loved ones that am trying hard to provide for.

I’m not even talking about saving life now
If my dad calls that he needs money, I don’t mind taking from my savings to settle his needs because that man don try for us.
So imagine it’s his life
I’ll empty my bank account for him

yes our parent deserves all we have got but am not talking about just your bank account here, am talking about your life savings and invest, selling everything you have, even your online assets and go as far as taking loan to save his life, will you do that?

also take note you have a wife and a kid to car for

You just brought me back to reality. After the person is dead and gone , you the living are the one going to suffer in this cold world to pay any debt that you have on you. That’s actually very serious and if you don’t take care you might even end up in a critical health condition from thinking too much. That’s like slow suicide.

unfortunately, some people do not overthink and commit that mistake, it is after the person is dead that reality dawns on them... it is not wickedness but once a sickness is taking more than expected, it is okay to give up rather than waste all and still lose the person

Yeah I understand

I hope euthanasia is an option that many people who wish to die have access to, sometimes, the family members have to consent to it, and the they tend to have a rather fixed understanding of it.

what if someone wishes to die and the family member say no lol

but i understand the family consent idea, if that is not there, people can just start killing patient and lie that they ask for it, no one can question the dead

I don’t agree with you. I can sell my last dress to save my loved one especially my family
I know on the long run, some people die but what if they don’t die?
Being alive gives us hope and it’s possible to recover all what we’ve lost
Have you read a story about when Ote lost all he had?

no i didn't read ote story.

nice decision, if i were a lady too, I would spend my last savings to save a loved one knowing fully well i have a husband that can take care of me or i have a guy taking care of my responsibility..

the question is, would you allow your husband to use all his life savings and also use your house as a collateral to get a loan to save one of his family member [loved one]

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