I got immune to distraction.

in HiveGhana3 months ago

Well,for me distractions are something that get to affects me all the way from the classroom to the dinner table,i see distractions as an interruption because it keeps me from giving full attention to another.
Distractions can be very detrimental to the surroundings that we face daily in this world, personally for me,people are also distractions just that i might not discuss it, I'd rather discuss distractions in terms of activities.One big distraction that is found every corner you turn is cell phones, television and so many other things.


And guess what! Am a victim of distractions by cell phone,this doesn't occur just because its a cell phone ,i can be busy with my cell phone yet be distracted by my cell phone, don't know if you get the point? Naturally am a movie lover,not to say am addicted to watching movies but i do watch alot and despite this I don't watch movies on tv, yh i prefer watching my movies on my cell phone and this has been my biggest distraction ever since time began.

It's terrible for for because my distraction is always right by my side, so there's clearly nothing limiting me from its access,you see me so serious at a time and then the next moment am smiling at my device.
If am going to be rral with y'all,it takes so much of my time before i even get to realize it,if you watch series,like good series you'll understand what i mean,you just keep anticipating the next episode amd before you know it you're lost in time.

By now you should know the effect of such a distraction on me already, it definitely has a negative effect i confess to you and you don't wanna be there. It gets to reap you off your proposed schedule of activities and set goals.

Now I'll tell you the good news, I've be able to take control of my distractions, to every situation there's an if effectively handled,how did i do this?
Firstly, i identified my distraction which is obviously watching movies.
Secondly; i set my priorities straight,the truth is whatever you priotize,you wouldn't want to mess with it.
Thirdly; time management,to every task i assigned a time limit to archieve it,these keeps me focused.
Fourthly; i made sure to archieve one task at time, no multitasking , personally for me i easily get weary when multi tasking hence making me want to take breaks at wrong times, confiding in my distraction.

The last but not the least,creating special time in my schedule for breaks.
This allows me consciously satisfy the desire within me always attracting me to my distraction.

With this I've been able to live above my distractions for a while now.


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I agree with setting your priorities straight.
I’ve come to realize that whatever you set straight, you pay so much attention to it and it’s harder to get distracted when you’re on that thing.

Well this is actually relatible smartphones are carry come distractions oo


Yeah bro I've you seen my post?

We all get distracted at one point in time, what is important is how we are managing it and it looks like you have found a way to manage yours well.

I can get distracted watching series on my phone sometimes, but I have decided to only do so at my leisure time only.

Nice idea.