That Addiction

in HiveGhana3 months ago

The whole of this week, migraines have been my supper. It got to a point where I would anticipate the pain because I knew it was going to come anyway. It didn’t make sense at first but I got to realize they were happening because of my screen time.

For someone who has been wearing glasses for years now, I sure have no regard for the pain tolerance of my eyes. I know it’s a bad thing it’s just that …. You know what? I don’t even have any excuse for that. It’s just that I’ve been away from work for a while now due to health reasons and my only companion are my screens.

I know having so much screen time is not a good thing but the funny thing is I’ve been trying to fix it. I’ve tried a lot of things like reading, drawing(dont laugh), anything that is not work related which could get me away from my screen. The only problem is that most of the activities I resort to, end up being screen related.

Just yesterday, I saw my little cousin on his phone while eating and I quickly asked him to put his phone away and eat. He looked at me for about 3 seconds before doing it. Of course, he knows better than to disrespect me but I’m sure it probably crossed his mind in that moment because the person giving the order was doing the same thing. Yep! I was also on my phone while eating.

Remember I said I’ve been away from work because of a health issue? The moment my mom found out, she said she won’t be surprised if my phone got me in that situation in the first place. I mean if you think about it, it’s funny because that’s something African mothers do a lot. They can blame everything that happens to you on your phone and how much screen time you have. In this case, this my African mom is right though. Not that my phone made me fall ill, it just kind of has been contributing to my slow recovering rate.

I’ve been trying my best to sleep the moment I feel any headache of any sort. At first, I was ignoring my bedtime alarm but now, there’s even no need because I have something else that sends me to bed even earlier than my alarm. I’m not happy that it’s like this now but I know that at some point, it will become a habit. And then I will start sleeping early which means no more screen time at night.

Is it what I really want? No but I will just stick with this till I get a better alternative. Until then, let me just be pressing phone before boredom finishes me.

Images are mine


Reducing screen time sometime is like fighting a lost battle, today you feel like you doing it and tomorrow you are back to the very beginning.

You know right
I don’t even feel like doing it at all.

I thought using your phone for a long time is a normal thing, because i do that alot ..

I guess my mum is not the only mother that blames our device whenever we're sick 🤢 LOL 😂

It’s normal but not a good thing. It could cause health issues actually.

I guess I'd have to reduce my screen time.

Yes please

Thanks for the support

You can press your phone but also set a timer to switch off after some hours. That way you can regulate your screen time.

I’ve tried it and at this point, saying that method didn’t work makes me shy🥲
