
in EXHAUST3 years ago

We're one day before spring today, and it certainly felt like it outside. What a beautiful day! Normally a day like today would see me finally emerge from my winter-house-cocoon and venture forth into the sunlight on my bike; my bike, however, is in need of repairs, and my son wanted to go to the nearby outdoor archery range. That sounded like a fantastic idea! So, off we went.


I ended packing up two of the boys and all four bows to give them a once over - the bows, that is, not the boys. The youngest child did not want to actually shoot; he was just out to get sweet snacks from Rita's Water Ice afterward. Regardless, he ended up out in the sun and I considered that a victory.

Elk Neck State Park in Maryland has a really nice shooting range. The picture above shows only part of the archery range; there are targets that wind through the woods on a trail. I'd like to follow that trail one day and see what it's all about.

The large bow on the left is mine. The smallest on the right is my oldest son's, who wasn't with us today, but I wanted to try it. Interestingly, I felt the pull was too light, while my 16 year old thought the opposite, so we let it stay to the side. It's a nice bow, and if it isn't going to be used, I might make some weight adjustments to it and try it again.


It has been some time since I've gotten out to shoot, and I forgot just how enjoyable it is. It isn't the most intense of sports, but there certainly is a lot of walking back and forth to retrieve your arrows after shooting them. It is, however, a sport, and very relaxing, calming, and zen-ish. The sights on the bow were still tuned correctly and it didn't take long to get a groove back.


I was shooting the 30 yard target. When getting the sight lined up it's important to shoot at the same spot the first few arrows so you know how the bow is shooting. I was aiming for the center, but ended up grouping the arrows quite nicely in the top right. Not where I intended, but knowing that the bow was shooting consistently I was able to adjust my aim to where I wanted. Before too long I was nearing exactly where I wanted to be.


There's a common misconception that the arm holding the bow needs to be held straight out; it does not. If the elbow is bent just a little then the drawstring will not strike the arm when released, and an arm guard is not necessary.

Alas, I had forgotten this. Ouch.


All in all, a good day! I definitely got my steps in, got some sunshine, and remembered how good it will feel to get back on my bike, too.

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

About Me

Sometimes photographer. Wannabe author. Game designer. Nerd. 
General all around problem-solver and creative type.

Creator of What I Learned Today Hive community: https://peakd.com/c/hive-131257/created

Blind Skeleton

Online Radio: https://victorwiebe.com/radio_wiebe
Friday Night Concert: 6:00pm EST

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 3 years ago  

Nice work @wwwiebe glad to see it is warming up in your part of the world.

I'm quite excited about it. I feel like a caterpillar finally emerging as a butterfly.

Ah, so that's how Lvl 3 archery ranges would look like.

I'm still into Recurved and would not go into Compound...for the time being. Actually, perhaps it's time to buy me a bow, after getting my wife and my brother one each.

And I'm thinking about another lightweight one, something like 22 or 24 pounds, since my amateurish archery range would not allow me to retrieve arrows shot any stronger than that...for the time being.

Nice activity, really Zen, and I love it. I do quite a lot of going back and forth so I consider it almost a dynamic sport ;)


You should treat yourself with a new bow! In large part because I suggest that to everyone. :)

I would really like to have a recurve, too. The compound is definitely easier to draw and hold, but a recurve is much more traditional. One of those and a rolling target ball would be much fun.

It really is a relaxing sport. Much like billiards with all the walking, and walking, and walking. :)

Perhaps this week. I plan on travelling to the city and visiting the place I bought the other two from.

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