Morning Run - Loop the loop

in EXHAUST4 years ago

I just finished a 6.961km running that lasted about 0hh:40mm:31ss !


It was cool again this morning with a chance of rain, but it held off whilst I was out. I got out about 7:30 and headed up to Fairfield again. On the way up the hill I saw a black squirrel in a tree. There were a few people wandering up that path too with dogs or just walking somewhere. I had to pause as my podcasts stopped playing. The Pocket Casts app has changed recently so that it does not automatically download shows when you add them to the playlist. I reduced my phone data plan since I am mostly at home, but I downloaded a show to keep me going.

I took the back track that goes over some grass and it was muddy there with some slippery patches. Need to be careful there as I did not have my shoes with extra grip.

There is a fair bit of climbing on this route and it did feel tough, especially on the last little climb, but then it is all downhill or flat. I went for a bit of speed coming back down West Drive.

I noticed a few discarded facemasks today. They have become a common element of litter and it is a shame people cannot be bothered to dispose of them properly.

As I got near the school I saw a friend (and fellow runner) who had been dropping his kids off. Fortunately I missed the crowds.

Run free and stay well.

It was a good run overall, but I still feel a bit sluggish to start with. It just does not seem to affect my times too much.
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I just sent you a piece of pizza, to recover all the calories burned.

Steevc, even if I don't pass by your wall very often, you should know that I am glad to know that you are well, I wish you many years of life.
I would like us to do a collaboration, improvising on a backing track with the guitars.

That is very generous of you! I think I have enough pizza to keep me rocking.

Maybe we can chat on Discord about a collaboration.

I like how you got (mostly) faster as the run went on. Do you track your pace in real time by using a watch of some sort? I only have my phone to do this for me and if I look i normally have to slow down in order to check it out. Impressive!

I can see my pace on my Garmin watch and get audible updates every km. I do generally improve after I have been running for at least 20 mins, so the second half is often quicker. I tend to just go with how I feel rather than aiming for a pace.

I have been seeing a lot of discarded face masks as well. It is really shame. Many times they are the nice cloth ones and not the paper ones to. You just find them laying about the place.

Hi @steevc,
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That looks like kite and a snake head. Your path 😂

I know some people try to draw shapes with their run traces, but this is just a convenient route. I have had comments on the patterns before.

The healthy talk is "Run free and stay well".