Sunday run: Fielding

in EXHAUST3 years ago

This is my third consecutive day of running, which is not something I usually do, but I am seeing how it goes and I may run tomorrow too. My legs are not too bad and I generally feel okay.

I am trying to mix up my routes a bit and so went cross country towards Henlow Camp. It was very overcast and felt colder than yesterday, but the rain held off. I only have to run a short distance from my house to reach a track that takes me away from houses and roads. Once over the railway footbridge it is all fields.


This was on the way back crossing the meadow where there are always horses grazing. The crane is on an industrial area.

It is a very open area and so the wind can be an issue. It was against me on the second half. There is a part that is downhill across the middle of a ploughed field, but the wind was slowing me there and the ground was quite rough. That bit was not too muddy, but it had hardened unevenly. There was a big mud patch at the bottom of the hill.


I did the loop anti-clockwise. I did get a personal segment record on a stretch along the river, but I have not run that in ages. I think I could improve on my time. You can see lots of dips where I was crossing bridges, negotiating mud or getting through gates. That meant the average pace was nothing special.

Strava have declared their opposition to the invasion of Ukraine and withdrawn their service in Russia and Belarus. That may not seem a big deal, but it is a signal to people there that the world thinks their governments are doing wrong, despite what local propaganda may say. There is a special challenge to raise awareness and funds for relief.

Run free, stay well, and stand with Ukraine.


Screenshot from 2022-03-14 08-40-00.png
Would you call the river the Hiz, the Purwell or the Ivel at that point? Google Maps has Purwell (which is what it's called near me). But I've been told very certainly by locals that it's the Hiz. It seems to become the Ivel further down.

I call it the Hiz, but I have seen it as the Purwell on the maps of local walks. This old map says Hiz, as does the water level monitoring site.

Nice job. Loved your songs last night, very good. Good luck today with the dancers!

Cheers. You were sounding great. Taking it to the next level.


Hey @todayslight, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

 3 years ago  

Thanks for sharing the Strava challenge. I didn't know Strava was cutting their service to Russia and Belarus, hopefully the people of Russia will continue to put pressure on their government.

All these little things will add up. We need the whole world to protest against such violence.


Hey, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

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Back many moons and years ago when I was training for half-marathons I followed a training plan that included rest days during the week. I remember chomping at the bit to go run on those rest days because I was feeling great. It seemed so counter intuitive to take time off from training.

Thanks for sharing a pic. It's always nice to see a slice of life to accompany the story that goes along with the route. Have a wonderful week!

I've decided not to run today to give my legs a break. I have a half in May and need to do some longer runs to prepare for that.


Hey @epodcaster, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

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@epodcaster(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

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Tap to help.

Careful to not overextend your knees! I used to run a lot, even half marathons, but I also didn't give myself enough rest. It's just a bit addicting sometimes hahah. Eventually got some issues with my knees and feet.

I would hope I'll be okay as I'm not doing massive mileage each week. I won't always be running every day anyway. Thanks for your concern. Hope you recovered.


Hey @cryptodeepdive, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

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I thought you only saw leaden skies likes that up here! That's a cool little challenge, I am going to do it and get the good lady in too

The sun doesn't always shine 'darn sarth'. I still like to get out there. Spending a few hours each week outside has to be good for me. I'm such an indoor person otherwise.


Hey @meesterboom, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

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Hi @steevc,
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Nice run! Does the elev mean elevation?

Thanks for the update on the strava. Didn't know and to think that some people stand with Russia is disheartening. At first, I thought he wanted to prove a point and it's very obvious now that that isn't the case.

Elev is elevation to show where the climbs are.

Thousands of people are dying to prove Putin's 'point'.

Like I said, I don't think he's out to prove a point. He wants war and that's probably the best way he knows to get it. He didn't have to hit twice to prove a point.