Death By…

in EXHAUST3 years ago


Any “death by” winds up being a good workout, especially with limited time. My day was very hectic, trying to fit in all my work in time to get off early so my wife could take my daughter out with another Girl Scout to sell cookies, and leave my young son with me. So I couldn’t do my original plan, which included heavier weights and running, so he and I did death by burpees. He lost interest around the 6 minute mark, so getting as far as I did was pretty impressive, tbh. My son also did some shuttle runs, push-ups, air squats, kettlebell swings, and strong-man competition moves of taking water jugs from one side of the garage to the other.

Anyway, this is a go-to for me when short on time. You can do it with any movement, but I like burpees or Devil’s Press because I feel like they both hit the whole body quickly.

Have a good one!