Shaking the Dust Off

in EXHAUST4 years ago

I just finished a 8.256km cycling that lasted about 0hh:25mm:44ss !


First ride, or any amount of cardio for that matter, since.... September, maybe? Gotta shake myself out of a bit of a funk. After 13 months of just being bombarded with COVID news all the time, and not doing anything but working -- I think I'm starting to get depressed.

Jumped on the bike today for the first time in about 6 months at least, and am already feeling a bit better.

Sometimes you just gotta create your own energy. Hoping it feeds into my enthusiasm about upgrading @exhaust as well as some of my other coding hobbies... Time to get back into it, generate some positive energy, become productive, and shed all this COVID-weight I've been accumulating.

Lets do it! Hope everyone is well!

Check out some detailed info at my EXHAUST page
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Great to see you getting back into it. I know I've been having a hard time too! Hopefully it'll get the ball rolling and you'll be in a good routine in no time.

Great to see you getting back on it dude. Hopefully more to come 🤞

Great to hear from you. It has been a trying and weird time. I hope things improve for you. I think getting out to run or cycle has kept some of us sane.


 4 years ago  

that bad.. I think it's finally just hit home how lazy I've been over the last year, and I'm beating myself up about it.Hey @steevc! Weird indeed. And being honest, it's not

Gotta get started again sometime though -- so now seems like as good a time as any.

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