For the 75 hard challenge I'm doing I have to do 2 active sessions of 45 minutes with one outside.
When I wake up at 5 depending on the weather outside I either go for a run outside or do a Crossfit workout inside.
For the second workout I usually go for a 45 minute walk outside. Last week I bought a weighted vest to make walking a bit more challenging. Funny story: today I was stopped by a someone who asked me why I was wearing a bulletproof vest 😄.
Looking at the posts in this community this would be a great place to journal my activities.
My runs are programmed with the Nike Run app. I run with a fitbit and that pushes the data to the Strava app.
Crossfit workouts I get from the Crossfit main page or CompTrain. I log my time in SugarWod app.
After a Crossfit workout I stretch with the GoWod app.
The WOD for today was:
Grace - 30 reps of Clean and Jerk for time
I did double dumbbell C&J with 10 kg dumbbells in 2m52s
After that
Isabel - 30 reps of Snatches for time
I did alternating dumbbell snatches using a 10 kg dumbbell in 1m23s.