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RE: Cardio, weights, or both? What do you do?

in EXHAUST3 years ago

When I do exercise, it's definitely cardio. The reasons are that 1) exercise for me is mostly to stay healthy and I feel cardio is the best thing for that and 2) I don't own a weight set and have no desire to go to a gym.

Exercise for me usually involves running (I am not a fan and haven't been doing this of late) or biking (I enjoy this a lot more). Generally I will be pretty good about getting out on my bike every day for several months then for one reason or another, I'll fall out of the habit for a few months. But then I'll pick it back up goes in cycles (pun intended).


goes in cycles... ha! Yeah, i don't know why it is but I end up feeling the same way. I try to cycle to as many things as possible but it is also winter here now and since I live in a very urban area, cycling isn't really possible in a non-stop way unless I first make my way to the bike path which is either covered in snow or other cyclists. In spring time we can get out of the city and hit some nature paths and this is a lot more enjoyable. The only real problem I have with cycling is that it is easy to be lazy because of the technology. Unless you are trying to push yourself, having 28 gears or whatever can turn this exercise into almost no work at all.